Source code for PlotFunctions

""""""  #
Copyright (c) 2020-2024, Dany Cajas
All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.
License available at

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
from matplotlib import cm, colors
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
import scipy.stats as st
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as hr
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
import networkx as nx
import riskfolio.src.RiskFunctions as rk
import riskfolio.src.AuxFunctions as af
import riskfolio.src.DBHT as db
import riskfolio.src.GerberStatistic as gs
import riskfolio.src.ConstraintsFunctions as ct

__all__ = [

rm_names = [
    "Standard Deviation",
    "Square Root Kurtosis",
    "Mean Absolute Deviation",
    "Gini Mean Difference",
    "Semi Standard Deviation",
    "Square Root Semi Kurtosis",
    "First Lower Partial Moment",
    "Second Lower Partial Moment",
    "Value at Risk",
    "Conditional Value at Risk",
    "Tail Gini",
    "Entropic Value at Risk",
    "Relativistic Value at Risk",
    "Worst Realization",
    "Conditional Value at Risk Range",
    "Tail Gini Range",
    "Max Drawdown",
    "Average Drawdown",
    "Drawdown at Risk",
    "Conditional Drawdown at Risk",
    "Entropic Drawdown at Risk",
    "Relativistic Drawdown at Risk",
    "Ulcer Index",

rmeasures = [

[docs] def plot_series(returns, w, cmap="tab20", n_colors=20, height=6, width=10, ax=None): r""" Create a chart with the compounded cumulative of the portfolios. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame Assets returns. w : DataFrame of shape (n_assets, n_portfolios) Portfolio weights. cmap : cmap, optional Colorscale used to plot each portfolio compounded cumulative return. The default is 'tab20'. n_colors : int, optional Number of distinct colors per color cycle. If there are more assets than n_colors, the chart is going to start to repeat the color cycle. The default is 20. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 6. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 10. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_series(returns=Y, w=ws, cmap='tab20', height=6, width=10, ax=None) .. image:: images/Port_Series.png """ if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if not isinstance(w, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if returns.shape[1] != w.shape[0]: a1 = str(returns.shape) a2 = str(w.shape) raise ValueError("shapes " + a1 + " and " + a2 + " not aligned") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() ax.grid(linestyle=":") title = "Historical Compounded Cumulative Returns" ax.set_title(title) labels = w.columns.tolist() colormap = cm.get_cmap(cmap) colormap = colormap(np.linspace(0, 1, n_colors)) if cmap == "gist_rainbow": colormap = colormap[::-1] cycle = plt.cycler("color", colormap) ax.set_prop_cycle(cycle) X = w.columns.tolist() index = returns.index.tolist() for i in range(len(X)): a = np.array(returns, ndmin=2) @ np.array(w[X[i]], ndmin=2).T prices = 1 + np.insert(a, 0, 0, axis=0) prices = np.cumprod(prices, axis=0) prices = np.ravel(prices).tolist() del prices[0] ax.plot_date(index, prices, "-", label=labels[i]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.AutoDateLocator(tz=None, minticks=5, maxticks=10)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter("%Y-%m")) ticks_loc = ax.get_yticks().tolist() ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks().tolist()) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:3.2f}".format(x) for x in ticks_loc]) ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_frontier( w_frontier, mu, cov=None, returns=None, rm="MV", kelly=False, rf=0, alpha=0.05, a_sim=100, beta=None, b_sim=None, kappa=0.30, solver="CLARABEL", cmap="viridis", w=None, label="Portfolio", marker="*", s=16, c="r", height=6, width=10, t_factor=252, ax=None, ): r""" Creates a plot of the efficient frontier for a risk measure specified by the user. Parameters ---------- w_frontier : DataFrame Portfolio weights of some points in the efficient frontier. mu : DataFrame of shape (1, n_assets) Vector of expected returns, where n_assets is the number of assets. cov : DataFrame of shape (n_features, n_features) Covariance matrix, where n_features is the number of features. returns : DataFrame of shape (n_samples, n_features) Features matrix, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. rm : str, optional The risk measure used to estimate the frontier. The default is 'MV'. Possible values are: - 'MV': Standard Deviation. - 'KT': Square Root Kurtosis. - 'MAD': Mean Absolute Deviation. - 'MSV': Semi Standard Deviation. - 'SKT': Square Root Semi Kurtosis. - 'FLPM': First Lower Partial Moment (Omega Ratio). - 'SLPM': Second Lower Partial Moment (Sortino Ratio). - 'CVaR': Conditional Value at Risk. - 'TG': Tail Gini. - 'EVaR': Entropic Value at Risk. - 'RLVaR': Relativistic Value at Risk. - 'WR': Worst Realization (Minimax). - 'CVRG': CVaR range of returns. - 'TGRG': Tail Gini range of returns. - 'RG': Range of returns. - 'MDD': Maximum Drawdown of uncompounded returns (Calmar Ratio). - 'ADD': Average Drawdown of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'DaR': Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'CDaR': Conditional Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'EDaR': Entropic Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'RLDaR': Relativistic Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'UCI': Ulcer Index of uncompounded cumulative returns. kelly : bool, optional Method used to calculate mean return. Possible values are False for arithmetic mean return and True for mean logarithmic return. The default is False. rf : float, optional Risk free rate or minimum acceptable return. The default is 0. alpha : float, optional Significance level of VaR, CVaR, EVaR, RLVaR, DaR, CDaR, EDaR, RLDaR and Tail Gini of losses. The default is 0.05. a_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of losses. The default is 100. beta : float, optional Significance level of CVaR and Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates alpha value. The default is None. b_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates a_sim value. The default is None. kappa : float, optional Deformation parameter of RLVaR and RLDaR, must be between 0 and 1. The default is 0.30. solver: str, optional Solver available for CVXPY that supports power cone programming. Used to calculate RLVaR and RLDaR. The default value is 'CLARABEL'. cmap : cmap, optional Colorscale that represents the risk adjusted return ratio. The default is 'viridis'. w : DataFrame of shape (n_assets, 1), optional A portfolio specified by the user. The default is None. label : str or list, optional Name or list of names of portfolios that appear on plot legend. The default is 'Portfolio'. marker : str, optional Marker of w. The default is "*". s : float, optional Size of marker. The default is 16. c : str, optional Color of marker. The default is 'r'. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 6. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 10. t_factor : float, optional Factor used to annualize expected return and expected risks for risk measures based on returns (not drawdowns). The default is 252. .. math:: \begin{align} \text{Annualized Return} & = \text{Return} \, \times \, \text{t_factor} \\ \text{Annualized Risk} & = \text{Risk} \, \times \, \sqrt{\text{t_factor}} \end{align} ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib Axes Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: label = 'Max Risk Adjusted Return Portfolio' mu = cov = port.cov returns = port.returns ax = rp.plot_frontier(w_frontier=ws, mu=mu, cov=cov, returns=Y, rm=rm, rf=0, alpha=0.05, cmap='viridis', w=w1, label=label, marker='*', s=16, c='r', height=6, width=10, t_factor=252, ax=None) .. image:: images/MSV_Frontier.png """ if not isinstance(w_frontier, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w_frontier must be a DataFrame") if not isinstance(mu, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("mu must be a DataFrame") if not isinstance(cov, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("cov must be a DataFrame") if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if returns.shape[1] != w_frontier.shape[0]: a1 = str(returns.shape) a2 = str(w_frontier.shape) raise ValueError("shapes " + a1 + " and " + a2 + " not aligned") if w is not None: if not isinstance(w, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] == 1: w = w.T if returns.shape[1] != w.shape[0]: a1 = str(returns.shape) a2 = str(w.shape) raise ValueError("shapes " + a1 + " and " + a2 + " not aligned") if beta is None: beta = alpha if b_sim is None: b_sim = a_sim if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() mu_ = np.array(mu, ndmin=2) if kelly == False: ax.set_ylabel("Expected Arithmetic Return") elif kelly == True: ax.set_ylabel("Expected Logarithmic Return") item = rmeasures.index(rm) if rm in ["CVaR", "TG", "EVaR", "RLVaR", "CVRG", "TGRG", "CDaR", "EDaR", "RLDaR"]: x_label = ( rm_names[item] + " (" + rm + ")" + " $\\alpha = $" + "{0:.2%}".format(alpha) ) else: x_label = rm_names[item] + " (" + rm + ")" if rm in ["CVRG", "TGRG"]: x_label += ", $\\beta = $" + "{0:.2%}".format(beta) if rm in ["RLVaR", "RLDaR"]: x_label += ", $\\kappa = $" + "{0:.2}".format(kappa) ax.set_xlabel("Expected Risk - " + x_label) title = "Efficient Frontier Mean - " + x_label ax.set_title(title) X1 = [] Y1 = [] Z1 = [] for i in range(w_frontier.shape[1]): try: weights = np.array(w_frontier.iloc[:, i], ndmin=2).T risk = rk.Sharpe_Risk( weights, cov=cov, returns=returns, rm=rm, rf=rf, alpha=alpha, a_sim=a_sim, beta=beta, b_sim=b_sim, kappa=kappa, solver=solver, ) if kelly == False: ret = mu_ @ weights elif kelly == True: ret = 1 / returns.shape[0] * np.sum(np.log(1 + returns @ weights)) ret = ret.item() * t_factor if rm not in ["MDD", "ADD", "CDaR", "EDaR", "RLDaR", "UCI"]: risk = risk * t_factor**0.5 ratio = (ret - rf) / risk X1.append(risk) Y1.append(ret) Z1.append(ratio) except: pass ax1 = ax.scatter(X1, Y1, c=Z1, cmap=cmap) if w is not None: if isinstance(label, str): label = [label] if label is None: label = w.columns.tolist() if w.shape[1] != len(label): label = w.columns.tolist() label = [ v + " " + str(label[:i].count(v) + 1) if label.count(v) > 1 else v for i, v in enumerate(label) ] if isinstance(c, str): colormap = np.array(colors.to_rgba(c)).reshape(1, -1) elif c is None: colormap = np.array(colors.to_rgba("red")).reshape(1, -1) elif isinstance(c, list): colormap = [list(colors.to_rgba(i)) for i in c] colormap = np.array(colormap) if len(label) != colormap.shape[0]: colormap = cm.get_cmap("tab20") colormap = colormap(np.linspace(0, 1, 20)) colormap = np.vstack( [colormap[6:8], colormap[2:6], colormap[8:], colormap[0:2]] ) n_repeats = int(len(label) // 20 + 1) if n_repeats > 1: colormap = np.vstack([colormap] * n_repeats) for i in range(w.shape[1]): weights = w.iloc[:, i].to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1) risk = rk.Sharpe_Risk( weights, cov=cov, returns=returns, rm=rm, rf=rf, alpha=alpha, a_sim=a_sim, beta=beta, b_sim=b_sim, kappa=kappa, solver=solver, ) if kelly == False: ret = mu_ @ weights elif kelly == True: ret = 1 / returns.shape[0] * np.sum(np.log(1 + returns @ weights)) ret = ret.item() * t_factor if rm not in ["MDD", "ADD", "CDaR", "EDaR", "RLDaR", "UCI"]: risk = risk * t_factor**0.5 color = colormap[i].reshape(1, -1) ax.scatter(risk, ret, marker=marker, s=s**2, c=color, label=label[i]) ax.legend(loc="upper left") xmin = np.min(X1) - np.abs(np.max(X1) - np.min(X1)) * 0.1 xmax = np.max(X1) + np.abs(np.max(X1) - np.min(X1)) * 0.1 ymin = np.min(Y1) - np.abs(np.max(Y1) - np.min(Y1)) * 0.1 ymax = np.max(Y1) + np.abs(np.max(Y1) - np.min(Y1)) * 0.1 ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.AutoLocator()) ticks_loc = ax.get_yticks().tolist() ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks().tolist()) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:.2%}".format(x) for x in ticks_loc]) ticks_loc = ax.get_xticks().tolist() ax.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks().tolist()) ax.set_xticklabels(["{:.2%}".format(x) for x in ticks_loc]) ax.tick_params(axis="y", direction="in") ax.tick_params(axis="x", direction="in") ax.grid(linestyle=":") colorbar = ax.figure.colorbar(ax1) colorbar.set_label("Risk Adjusted Return Ratio") try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_pie( w, title="", others=0.05, nrow=25, cmap="tab20", n_colors=20, height=6, width=8, ax=None, ): r""" Create a pie chart with portfolio weights. Parameters ---------- w : DataFrame of shape (n_assets, 1) Portfolio weights. title : str, optional Title of the chart. The default is "". others : float, optional Percentage of others section. The default is 0.05. nrow : int, optional Number of rows of the legend. The default is 25. cmap : cmap, optional Color scale used to plot each asset weight. The default is 'tab20'. n_colors : int, optional Number of distinct colors per color cycle. If there are more assets than n_colors, the chart is going to start to repeat the color cycle. The default is 20. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 10. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 10. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis. Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_pie(w=w1, title='Portfolio', height=6, width=10, cmap="tab20", ax=None) .. image:: images/Pie_Chart.png """ if not isinstance(w, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] == 0: w = w.T elif w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] > 0: raise ValueError("w must be a column DataFrame") if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() labels = w.index.tolist() sizes = w.iloc[:, 0].tolist() abs_sizes = [np.absolute(s) for s in sizes] sizes2 = pd.DataFrame([labels, abs_sizes, sizes]).T sizes2.columns = ["labels", "abs_values", "values"] sizes2 = sizes2.sort_values(by=["abs_values"], ascending=False) sizes2.index = [i for i in range(0, len(labels))] sizes3 = sizes2.cumsum() sizes3["abs_values"] = sizes3["abs_values"] / sizes3["abs_values"].max() l = sizes3[sizes3["abs_values"] >= 1 - others].index.tolist()[0] if l > 0: a1 = sizes2["abs_values"].sum() - sizes2[sizes2.index <= l]["abs_values"].sum() a2 = sizes2["values"].sum() - sizes2[sizes2.index <= l]["values"].sum() item = pd.DataFrame(["Others", a1, a2]).T item.columns = ["labels", "abs_values", "values"] sizes2 = sizes2[sizes2.index <= l] sizes2 = pd.concat([sizes2, item], axis=0) abs_sizes = sizes2["abs_values"].tolist() sizes = sizes2["values"].tolist() labels = sizes2["labels"].tolist() sizes2 = ["{0:.1%}".format(i) for i in sizes] if title == "": title = "Portfolio Composition" limit = np.round(np.min(sizes), 4) if limit < 0: title += " (Areas in Absolute Values)" ax.set_title(title) colormap = cm.get_cmap(cmap) colormap = colormap(np.linspace(0, 1, n_colors)) if cmap == "gist_rainbow": colormap = colormap[::-1] cycle = plt.cycler("color", colormap) ax.set_prop_cycle(cycle) size = 0.4 # set up style cycles wedges, texts = ax.pie( abs_sizes, radius=1, wedgeprops=dict(width=size, edgecolor="black"), startangle=-15, normalize=True, ) # Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle. ax.axis("equal") n = int(np.ceil(l / nrow)) if n == 0: n += 1 ax.legend(wedges, labels, loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), ncol=n) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="square,pad=0.3", fc="w", ec="k", lw=0.72) kw = dict( xycoords="data", textcoords="data", arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-"), bbox=bbox_props, zorder=0, va="center", ) for i, p in enumerate(wedges): ang = (p.theta2 - p.theta1) / 2.0 + p.theta1 y = np.sin(np.deg2rad(ang)) x = np.cos(np.deg2rad(ang)) horizontalalignment = {-1: "right", 1: "left"}[int(np.sign(x))] connectionstyle = "angle,angleA=0,angleB={}".format(ang) kw["arrowprops"].update({"connectionstyle": connectionstyle}) name = str(labels[i]) + " " + str(sizes2[i]) ax.annotate( name, xy=(x, y), xytext=(1.1 * np.sign(x), 1.1 * y), horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, **kw ) try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_bar( w, title="", kind="v", others=0.05, nrow=25, cpos="tab:green", cneg="darkorange", cothers="dodgerblue", height=6, width=10, ax=None, ): r""" Create a bar chart with portfolio weights. Parameters ---------- w : DataFrame of shape (n_assets, 1) Portfolio weights. title : str, optional Title of the chart. The default is "". kind : str, optional Kind of bar plot, "v" for vertical bars and "h" for horizontal bars. The default is "v". others : float, optional Percentage of others section. The default is 0.05. nrow : int, optional Max number of bars that be plotted. The default is 25. cpos : str, optional Color for positives weights. The default is 'tab:green'. cneg : str, optional Color for negatives weights. The default is 'darkorange'. cothers : str, optional Color for others bar. The default is 'dodgerblue'. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 10. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 10. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis. Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_bar(w1, title='Portfolio', kind="v", others=0.05, nrow=25, height=6, width=10, ax=None) .. image:: images/Bar_Chart.png """ if not isinstance(w, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] == 0: w = w.T elif w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] > 0: raise ValueError("w must be a column DataFrame") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() labels = w.index.tolist() sizes = w.iloc[:, 0].tolist() abs_sizes = [np.absolute(s) for s in sizes] sizes2 = pd.DataFrame([labels, abs_sizes, sizes]).T sizes2.columns = ["labels", "abs_values", "values"] sizes2 = sizes2.sort_values(by=["abs_values"], ascending=False) sizes2.index = [i for i in range(0, len(labels))] sizes3 = sizes2.cumsum() sizes3["abs_values"] = sizes3["abs_values"] / sizes3["abs_values"].max() l1 = sizes3[sizes3["abs_values"] >= 1 - others].index.tolist() if len(l1) > 0: l1 = l1[0] else: l1 = -1 l2 = sizes2[sizes2["abs_values"] < 0.01].index.tolist() if len(l2) > 0: l2 = l2[0] else: l2 = -1 if l1 > nrow: a1 = sizes2["abs_values"].sum() - sizes2[sizes2.index <= l1]["abs_values"].sum() a2 = sizes2["values"].sum() - sizes2[sizes2.index <= l1]["values"].sum() item = pd.DataFrame(["Others", a1, a2]).T item.columns = ["labels", "abs_values", "values"] sizes2 = sizes2[sizes2.index <= l1] sizes2 = sizes2.sort_values(by=["values"], ascending=False) sizes2 = pd.concat([sizes2, item], axis=0) elif l2 > 0: a1 = sizes2["abs_values"].sum() - sizes2[sizes2.index <= l2]["abs_values"].sum() a2 = sizes2["values"].sum() - sizes2[sizes2.index <= l2]["values"].sum() item = pd.DataFrame(["Others", a1, a2]).T item.columns = ["labels", "abs_values", "values"] sizes2 = sizes2[sizes2.index <= l2] sizes2 = sizes2.sort_values(by=["values"], ascending=False) sizes2 = pd.concat([sizes2, item], axis=0) else: sizes2 = sizes2.sort_values(by=["values"], ascending=False) sizes = sizes2["values"].tolist() labels = sizes2["labels"].tolist() sizes2 = ["{0:.1%}".format(i) for i in sizes] if title == "": title = "Portfolio Composition" ax.set_title(title) if kind == "v": sizes = np.array(sizes) labels = np.array(labels), np.where(sizes >= 0, sizes, 0), color=cpos, width=0.5), np.where(sizes < 0, sizes, 0), color=cneg, width=0.5) if l1 > nrow: labels, np.where(labels == "Others", sizes, 0), color=cothers, width=0.5 ) b = "Others (Sum Abs < " + "{:.1%}".format(others) + ")" elif l2 > 0: labels, np.where(labels == "Others", sizes, 0), color=cothers, width=0.5 ) b = "Others (Abs < " + "{:.1%}".format(0.01) + ")" else: b = None ticks_loc = ax.get_yticks().tolist() ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks().tolist()) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:.2%}".format(x) for x in ticks_loc]) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, len(sizes) - 0.5) r = plt.gcf().canvas.get_renderer() transf = ax.transData.inverted() for i, v in enumerate(sizes): t = ax.text(i, v, sizes2[i], color="black") bb = t.get_window_extent(renderer=r) bb = bb.transformed(transf) h_text = bb.height x_text = bb.x0 - (bb.x1 - bb.x0) * 0.4 y_text = bb.y0 if v >= 0: t.set_position((x_text, y_text + h_text * 0.8)) else: t.set_position((x_text, y_text - h_text)) elif kind == "h": sizes.reverse() labels.reverse() sizes2.reverse() sizes = np.array(sizes) labels = np.array(labels) ax.barh(labels, np.where(sizes >= 0, sizes, 0), color=cpos, height=0.5) ax.barh(labels, np.where(sizes < 0, sizes, 0), color=cneg, height=0.5) if l1 > nrow: ax.barh( labels, np.where(labels == "Others", sizes, 0), color=cothers, height=0.5, ) b = "Others (Sum Abs < " + "{:.1%}".format(others) + ")" elif l2 > 0: ax.barh( labels, np.where(labels == "Others", sizes, 0), color=cothers, height=0.5, ) b = "Others (Abs < " + "{:.1%}".format(0.01) + ")" else: b = None ticks_loc = ax.get_xticks().tolist() ax.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks().tolist()) ax.set_xticklabels(["{:.2%}".format(x) for x in ticks_loc]) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, len(sizes) - 0.5) r = plt.gcf().canvas.get_renderer() transf = ax.transData.inverted() for i, v in enumerate(sizes): t = ax.text(v, i, sizes2[i], color="black") bb = t.get_window_extent(renderer=r) bb = bb.transformed(transf) w_text = bb.width x_text = bb.x0 y_text = bb.y0 if v >= 0: t.set_position((x_text + w_text * 0.15, y_text)) else: t.set_position((x_text - w_text, y_text)) ax.grid(linestyle=":") if b is None: ax.legend(["Positive Weights", "Negative Weights"]) else: ax.legend(["Positive Weights", "Negative Weights", b]) if kind == "v": ax.axhline(y=0, xmin=0, xmax=1, color="gray", label=False) elif kind == "h": ax.axvline(x=0, ymin=0, ymax=1, color="gray", label=False) try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_frontier_area( w_frontier, nrow=25, cmap="tab20", n_colors=20, height=6, width=10, ax=None ): r""" Create a chart with the asset composition of the efficient frontier. Parameters ---------- w_frontier : DataFrame Weights of portfolios in the efficient frontier. nrow : int, optional Number of rows of the legend. The default is 25. cmap : cmap, optional Color scale used to plot each asset weight. The default is 'tab20'. n_colors : int, optional Number of distinct colors per color cycle. If there are more assets than n_colors, the chart is going to start to repeat the color cycle. The default is 20. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 6. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 10. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis. Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_frontier_area(w_frontier=ws, cmap="tab20", height=6, width=10, ax=None) .. image:: images/Area_Frontier.png """ if not isinstance(w_frontier, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() ax.set_title("Efficient Frontier's Assets Structure") labels = w_frontier.index.tolist() colormap = cm.get_cmap(cmap) colormap = colormap(np.linspace(0, 1, n_colors)) if cmap == "gist_rainbow": colormap = colormap[::-1] cycle = plt.cycler("color", colormap) ax.set_prop_cycle(cycle) X = w_frontier.columns.tolist() ax.stackplot(X, w_frontier, labels=labels, alpha=0.7, edgecolor="black") ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_xlim(0, len(X) - 1) ticks_loc = ax.get_yticks().tolist() ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks().tolist()) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:3.2%}".format(x) for x in ticks_loc]) ax.grid(linestyle=":") n = int(np.ceil(len(labels) / nrow)) ax.legend(labels, loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), ncol=n) try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_risk_con( w, cov=None, returns=None, rm="MV", rf=0, alpha=0.05, a_sim=100, beta=None, b_sim=None, kappa=0.30, solver="CLARABEL", percentage=False, erc_line=True, color="tab:blue", erc_linecolor="r", height=6, width=10, t_factor=252, ax=None, ): r""" Create a chart with the risk contribution per asset of the portfolio. Parameters ---------- w : DataFrame of shape (n_assets, 1) Portfolio weights. cov : DataFrame of shape (n_features, n_features) Covariance matrix, where n_features is the number of features. returns : DataFrame of shape (n_samples, n_features) Features matrix, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. rm : str, optional Risk measure used to estimate risk contribution. The default is 'MV'. Possible values are: - 'MV': Standard Deviation. - 'KT': Square Root Kurtosis. - 'MAD': Mean Absolute Deviation. - 'GMD': Gini Mean Difference. - 'MSV': Semi Standard Deviation. - 'SKT': Square Root Semi Kurtosis. - 'FLPM': First Lower Partial Moment (Omega Ratio). - 'SLPM': Second Lower Partial Moment (Sortino Ratio). - 'CVaR': Conditional Value at Risk. - 'TG': Tail Gini. - 'EVaR': Entropic Value at Risk. - 'RLVaR': Relativistic Value at Risk. - 'WR': Worst Realization (Minimax). - 'CVRG': CVaR range of returns. - 'TGRG': Tail Gini range of returns. - 'RG': Range of returns. - 'MDD': Maximum Drawdown of uncompounded cumulative returns (Calmar Ratio). - 'ADD': Average Drawdown of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'CDaR': Conditional Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'EDaR': Entropic Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'RLDaR': Relativistic Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'UCI': Ulcer Index of uncompounded cumulative returns. rf : float, optional Risk free rate or minimum acceptable return. The default is 0. alpha : float, optional Significance level of VaR, CVaR, Tail Gini, EVaR, RLVaR, CDaR, EDaR and RLDaR. The default is 0.05. a_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of losses. The default is 100. beta : float, optional Significance level of CVaR and Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates alpha value. The default is None. b_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates a_sim value. The default is None. kappa : float, optional Deformation parameter of RLVaR and RLDaR, must be between 0 and 1. The default is 0.30. solver: str, optional Solver available for CVXPY that supports power cone programming. Used to calculate RLVaR and RLDaR. The default value is 'CLARABEL'. percentage : bool, optional If risk contribution per asset is expressed as percentage or as a value. The default is False. erc_line : bool, optional If equal risk contribution line is plotted. The default is False. color : str, optional Color used to plot each asset risk contribution. The default is 'tab:blue'. erc_linecolor : str, optional Color used to plot equal risk contribution line. The default is 'r'. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 6. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 10. t_factor : float, optional Factor used to annualize expected return and expected risks for risk measures based on returns (not drawdowns). The default is 252. .. math:: \begin{align} \text{Annualized Return} & = \text{Return} \, \times \, \text{t_factor} \\ \text{Annualized Risk} & = \text{Risk} \, \times \, \sqrt{\text{t_factor}} \end{align} ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis. Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_risk_con(w=w2, cov=cov, returns=Y, rm=rm, rf=0, alpha=0.05, color="tab:blue", height=6, width=10, t_factor=252, ax=None) .. image:: images/Risk_Con.png """ if not isinstance(w, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if beta is None: beta = alpha if b_sim is None: b_sim = a_sim if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() item = rmeasures.index(rm) if rm in ["CVaR", "TG", "EVaR", "RLVaR", "CVRG", "TGRG", "CDaR", "EDaR", "RLDaR"]: title = "Risk (" + rm_names[item] + " $\\alpha = $" + "{0:.2%}".format(alpha) else: title = "Risk (" + rm_names[item] if rm in ["CVRG", "TGRG"]: title += ", $\\beta = $" + "{0:.2%}".format(beta) if rm in ["RLVaR", "RLDaR"]: title += ", $\\kappa = $" + "{0:.2}".format(kappa) title += ") Contribution per Asset" if percentage: title += " (%)" ax.set_title(r"{}".format(title)) X = w.index.tolist() RC = rk.Risk_Contribution( w, cov=cov, returns=returns, rm=rm, rf=rf, alpha=alpha, a_sim=a_sim, beta=beta, b_sim=b_sim, kappa=kappa, solver=solver, ) if rm not in ["MDD", "ADD", "CDaR", "EDaR", "RLDaR", "UCI"]: RC = RC * t_factor**0.5 if percentage: RC = RC / np.sum(RC), RC, alpha=0.7, color=color, edgecolor="black") ax.set_xlim(-0.5, len(X) - 0.5) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelrotation=90) ticks_loc = ax.get_yticks().tolist() ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:3.4%}".format(x) for x in ticks_loc]) ax.grid(linestyle=":") if erc_line: if percentage: erc = 1 / len(RC) else: erc = rk.Sharpe_Risk( w, cov=cov, returns=returns, rm=rm, rf=rf, alpha=alpha, a_sim=a_sim, beta=beta, b_sim=b_sim, kappa=kappa, solver=solver, ) if rm not in ["MDD", "ADD", "CDaR", "EDaR", "RLDaR", "UCI"]: erc = erc / len(RC) * t_factor**0.5 else: erc = erc / len(RC) ax.axhline(y=erc, color=erc_linecolor, linestyle="-") try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_factor_risk_con( w, cov=None, returns=None, factors=None, B=None, const=True, rm="MV", rf=0, alpha=0.05, a_sim=100, beta=None, b_sim=None, kappa=0.30, solver="CLARABEL", feature_selection="stepwise", stepwise="Forward", criterion="pvalue", threshold=0.05, n_components=0.95, percentage=False, erc_line=True, color="tab:orange", erc_linecolor="r", height=6, width=10, t_factor=252, ax=None, ): r""" Create a chart with the risk contribution per asset of the portfolio. Parameters ---------- w : DataFrame of shape (n_assets, 1) Portfolio weights. cov : DataFrame of shape (n_features, n_features) Covariance matrix, where n_features is the number of features. returns : DataFrame of shape (n_samples, n_features) Features matrix, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. factors : DataFrame or nd-array of shape (n_samples, n_factors) Factors matrix, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_factors is the number of factors. B : DataFrame of shape (n_assets, n_features), optional Loadings matrix. If is not specified, is estimated using stepwise regression. The default is None. const : bool, optional Indicate if the loadings matrix has a constant. The default is False. rm : str, optional Risk measure used to estimate risk contribution. The default is 'MV'. Possible values are: - 'MV': Standard Deviation. - 'KT': Square Root Kurtosis. - 'MAD': Mean Absolute Deviation. - 'GMD': Gini Mean Difference. - 'MSV': Semi Standard Deviation. - 'SKT': Square Root Semi Kurtosis. - 'FLPM': First Lower Partial Moment (Omega Ratio). - 'SLPM': Second Lower Partial Moment (Sortino Ratio). - 'CVaR': Conditional Value at Risk. - 'TG': Tail Gini. - 'EVaR': Entropic Value at Risk. - 'RLVaR': Relativistic Value at Risk. - 'WR': Worst Realization (Minimax). - 'CVRG': CVaR range of returns. - 'TGRG': Tail Gini range of returns. - 'RG': Range of returns. - 'MDD': Maximum Drawdown of uncompounded cumulative returns (Calmar Ratio). - 'ADD': Average Drawdown of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'CDaR': Conditional Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'EDaR': Entropic Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'RLDaR': Relativistic Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'UCI': Ulcer Index of uncompounded cumulative returns. rf : float, optional Risk free rate or minimum acceptable return. The default is 0. alpha : float, optional Significance level of VaR, CVaR, Tail Gini, EVaR, RLVaR, CDaR, EDaR and RLDaR. The default is 0.05. a_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of losses. The default is 100. beta : float, optional Significance level of CVaR and Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates alpha value. The default is None. b_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates a_sim value. The default is None. kappa : float, optional Deformation parameter of RLVaR and RLDaR, must be between 0 and 1. The default is 0.30. solver: str, optional Solver available for CVXPY that supports power cone programming. Used to calculate RLVaR and RLDaR. The default value is 'CLARABEL'. feature_selection: str 'stepwise' or 'PCR', optional Indicate the method used to estimate the loadings matrix. The default is 'stepwise'. stepwise: str 'Forward' or 'Backward', optional Indicate the method used for stepwise regression. The default is 'Forward'. criterion : str, optional The default is 'pvalue'. Possible values of the criterion used to select the best features are: - 'pvalue': select the features based on p-values. - 'AIC': select the features based on lowest Akaike Information Criterion. - 'SIC': select the features based on lowest Schwarz Information Criterion. - 'R2': select the features based on highest R Squared. - 'R2_A': select the features based on highest Adjusted R Squared. threshold : scalar, optional Is the maximum p-value for each variable that will be accepted in the model. The default is 0.05. n_components : int, float, None or str, optional if 1 < n_components (int), it represents the number of components that will be keep. if 0 < n_components < 1 (float), it represents the percentage of variance that the is explained by the components kept. See `PCA <>`_ for more details. The default is 0.95. percentage : bool, optional If risk contribution per asset is expressed as percentage or as a value. The default is False. erc_line : bool, optional If equal risk contribution line is plotted. The default is False. color : str, optional Color used to plot each asset risk contribution. The default is 'tab:orange'. erc_linecolor : str, optional Color used to plot equal risk contribution line. The default is 'r'. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 6. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 10. t_factor : float, optional Factor used to annualize expected return and expected risks for risk measures based on returns (not drawdowns). The default is 252. .. math:: \begin{align} \text{Annualized Return} & = \text{Return} \, \times \, \text{t_factor} \\ \text{Annualized Risk} & = \text{Risk} \, \times \, \sqrt{\text{t_factor}} \end{align} ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis. Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_factor_risk_con(w=w3, cov=cov, returns=Y, factors=X, B=None, const=True, rm=rm, rf=0, feature_selection="stepwise", stepwise="Forward", criterion="pvalue", threshold=0.05, height=6, width=10, t_factor=252, ax=None) .. image:: images/Risk_Con_RF.png :: ax = rp.plot_factor_risk_con(w=w4, cov=cov, returns=Y, factors=X, B=None, const=True, rm=rm, rf=0, feature_selection="PCR", n_components=0.95, height=6, width=10, t_factor=252, ax=None) .. image:: images/Risk_Con_PC.png """ if not isinstance(w, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if beta is None: beta = alpha if b_sim is None: b_sim = a_sim if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() item = rmeasures.index(rm) if rm in ["CVaR", "TG", "EVaR", "RLVaR", "CVRG", "TGRG", "CDaR", "EDaR", "RLDaR"]: title = "Risk (" + rm_names[item] + " $\\alpha = $" + "{0:.2%}".format(alpha) else: title = "Risk (" + rm_names[item] if rm in ["CVRG", "TGRG"]: title += ", $\\beta = $" + "{0:.2%}".format(beta) if rm in ["RLVaR", "RLDaR"]: title += ", $\\kappa = $" + "{0:.2}".format(kappa) title += ") Contribution per " if feature_selection == "PCR": title += "Principal Component (PC)" else: title += "Risk Factor" if percentage: title += " (%)" ax.set_title(r"{}".format(title)) RC_F = rk.Factors_Risk_Contribution( w, cov=cov, returns=returns, factors=factors, B=B, const=const, rm=rm, rf=rf, alpha=alpha, a_sim=a_sim, beta=beta, b_sim=b_sim, kappa=kappa, solver=solver, feature_selection=feature_selection, stepwise=stepwise, criterion=criterion, threshold=threshold, n_components=n_components, ) if feature_selection == "PCR": n = len(RC_F) - 1 X = ["PC " + str(i) for i in range(1, n + 1)] else: X = factors.columns.tolist() X.append("Others") if rm not in ["MDD", "ADD", "CDaR", "EDaR", "RLDaR", "UCI"]: RC_F = RC_F * t_factor**0.5 if percentage: RC_F = RC_F / np.sum(RC_F), RC_F, alpha=0.7, color=color, edgecolor="black") ax.set_xlim(-0.5, len(X) - 0.5) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelrotation=90) ticks_loc = ax.get_yticks().tolist() ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:3.4%}".format(x) for x in ticks_loc]) ax.grid(linestyle=":") if erc_line: if percentage: erc = 1 / len(RC_F) else: erc = rk.Sharpe_Risk( w, cov=cov, returns=returns, rm=rm, rf=rf, alpha=alpha, a_sim=a_sim, beta=beta, b_sim=b_sim, kappa=kappa, solver=solver, ) if rm not in ["MDD", "ADD", "CDaR", "EDaR", "RLDaR", "UCI"]: erc = erc / len(RC_F) * t_factor**0.5 else: erc = erc / len(RC_F) ax.axhline(y=erc, color=erc_linecolor, linestyle="-") try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_hist( returns, w, alpha=0.05, a_sim=100, kappa=0.30, solver="CLARABEL", bins=50, height=6, width=10, ax=None, ): r""" Create a histogram of portfolio returns with the risk measures. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame Assets returns. w : DataFrame of shape (n_assets, 1) Portfolio weights. alpha : float, optional Significance level of VaR, CVaR, EVaR, RLVaR and Tail Gini. The default is 0.05. a_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of losses. The default is 100. kappa : float, optional Deformation parameter of RLVaR and RLDaR, must be between 0 and 1. The default is 0.30. solver: str, optional Solver available for CVXPY that supports power cone programming. Used to calculate RLVaR and RLDaR. The default value is 'CLARABEL'. bins : float, optional Number of bins of the histogram. The default is 50. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 6. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 10. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis. Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_hist(returns=Y, w=w1, alpha=0.05, bins=50, height=6, width=10, ax=None) .. image:: images/Histogram.png """ if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if not isinstance(w, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] == 0: w = w.T elif w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] > 0: raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if returns.shape[1] != w.shape[0]: a1 = str(returns.shape) a2 = str(w.shape) raise ValueError("shapes " + a1 + " and " + a2 + " not aligned") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() a = np.array(returns, ndmin=2) @ np.array(w, ndmin=2) ax.set_title("Portfolio Returns Histogram") n, bins1, patches = ax.hist( a, bins, density=1, edgecolor="skyblue", color="skyblue", alpha=0.5 ) mu = np.mean(a) sigma = np.std(a, axis=0, ddof=1).item() risk = [ mu, mu - sigma, mu - rk.MAD(a), mu - rk.GMD(a), -rk.VaR_Hist(a, alpha), -rk.CVaR_Hist(a, alpha), -rk.TG(a, alpha, a_sim), -rk.EVaR_Hist(a, alpha)[0], -rk.RLVaR_Hist(a, alpha, kappa, solver), -rk.WR(a), ] label = [ "Mean: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[0]), "Mean - Std. Dev.(" + "{0:.2%}".format(-risk[1] + mu) + "): " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[1]), "Mean - MAD(" + "{0:.2%}".format(-risk[2] + mu) + "): " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[2]), "Mean - GMD(" + "{0:.2%}".format(-risk[3] + mu) + "): " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[3]), "{0:.2%}".format((1 - alpha)) + " Confidence VaR: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[4]), "{0:.2%}".format((1 - alpha)) + " Confidence CVaR: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[5]), "{0:.2%}".format((1 - alpha)) + " Confidence Tail Gini: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[6]), "{0:.2%}".format((1 - alpha)) + " Confidence EVaR: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[7]), "{0:.1%}".format((1 - alpha)) + " Confidence RLVaR(" + "{0:.3}".format(kappa) + "): " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[8]), "Worst Realization: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[9]), ] color = [ "b", "r", "fuchsia", "navy", "darkorange", "limegreen", "mediumvioletred", "dodgerblue", "slateblue", "darkgrey", ] for i, j, k in zip(risk, label, color): ax.axvline(x=i, color=k, linestyle="-", label=j) # add a 'best fit' line y = (1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma)) * np.exp( -0.5 * (1 / sigma * (bins1 - mu)) ** 2 ) ax.plot( bins1, y, "--", color="orange", label=r"Normal: $\mu=" + "{0:.2%}".format(mu) + "$%, $\sigma=" + "{0:.2%}".format(sigma) + "$%", ) factor = (np.max(a) - np.min(a)) / bins ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.AutoLocator()) ticks_loc = ax.get_xticks().tolist() ticks_loc = [round(i, 8) for i in ticks_loc] ticks_loc = ticks_loc + [-i for i in ticks_loc[::-1]] ticks_loc = list(set(ticks_loc)) ticks_loc.sort() ax.set_xticks(np.array(ticks_loc)) ax.set_xticklabels(["{:3.2%}".format(x) for x in ticks_loc]) ticks_loc = ax.get_yticks().tolist() ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:3.2%}".format(x * factor) for x in ticks_loc]) ax.legend(loc="upper right") # , fontsize = 'x-small') ax.grid(linestyle=":") ax.set_ylabel("Probability Density") try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_range( returns, w, alpha=0.05, a_sim=100, beta=None, b_sim=None, bins=50, height=6, width=10, ax=None, ): r""" Create a histogram of portfolio returns with the range risk measures. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame Assets returns. w : DataFrame of shape (n_assets, 1) Portfolio weights. alpha : float, optional Significance level of CVaR and Tail Gini of losses. The default is 0.05. a_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of losses. The default is 100. beta : float, optional Significance level of CVaR and Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates alpha value. The default is None. b_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates a_sim value. The default is None. bins : float, optional Number of bins of the histogram. The default is 50. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 6. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 10. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis. Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = plot_range(returns=Y, w=w1, alpha=0.05, a_sim=100, beta=None, b_sim=None, bins=50, height=6, width=10, ax=None) .. image:: images/Range.png """ if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if not isinstance(w, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] == 0: w = w.T elif w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] > 0: raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if returns.shape[1] != w.shape[0]: a1 = str(returns.shape) a2 = str(w.shape) raise ValueError("shapes " + a1 + " and " + a2 + " not aligned") if beta is None: beta = alpha if b_sim is None: b_sim = a_sim if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() a = np.array(returns, ndmin=2) @ np.array(w, ndmin=2) ax.set_title("Portfolio Returns Range") df = dict( risk=["Range", "Tail Gini Range", "CVaR Range"], lower=[], upper=[], ) df["lower"].append(np.min(a)) df["lower"].append(-rk.TG(a, alpha=alpha, a_sim=a_sim)) df["lower"].append(-rk.CVaR_Hist(a, alpha=alpha)) df["upper"].append(-np.min(-a)) df["upper"].append(rk.TG(-a, alpha=beta, a_sim=b_sim)) df["upper"].append(rk.CVaR_Hist(-a, alpha=beta)) df = pd.DataFrame(df) df.set_index("risk", inplace=True) # Func to draw line segment def newline(p1, p2, color="black"): ax = fig.gca() l = mlines.Line2D([p1[0], p2[0]], [p1[1], p2[1]], color=color) ax.add_line(l) return l n, _, _ = ax.hist(a, bins=bins, density=True, color="darkgrey", alpha=0.3) risk = [ rk.RG(a), rk.CVRG(a, alpha=alpha, beta=beta), rk.TGRG(a, alpha=alpha, a_sim=a_sim, beta=beta, b_sim=b_sim), ] label = [ "Range :" + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[0]), "Tail Gini Range (" + "{0:.1%}".format((1 - alpha)) + ", " + "{0:.1%}".format((1 - beta)) + "): " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[1]), "CVaR Range (" + "{0:.1%}".format((1 - alpha)) + ", " + "{0:.1%}".format((1 - beta)) + "): " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[2]), ] colors = ["dodgerblue", "fuchsia", "limegreen"] y_max = np.ceil(n.max()) j = 1 for i in df.index: x1 = df.loc[i, "lower"] x2 = df.loc[i, "upper"] y1 = j * y_max / 4 ax.vlines( x=x1, ymin=0, ymax=y1, color=colors[j - 1], alpha=1, linewidth=1, linestyles="dashed", ) ax.vlines( x=x2, ymin=0, ymax=y1, color=colors[j - 1], alpha=1, linewidth=1, linestyles="dashed", ) ax.scatter(y=y1, x=x1, s=50, color=colors[j - 1], alpha=1, label=label[j - 1]) ax.scatter(y=y1, x=x2, s=50, color=colors[j - 1], alpha=1) newline([x1, y1], [x2, y1], color=colors[j - 1]) j += 1 ax.set(ylim=(0, y_max)) factor = (np.max(a) - np.min(a)) / bins ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.AutoLocator()) ticks_loc = ax.get_xticks().tolist() ax.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()) ax.set_xticklabels(["{:3.2%}".format(x) for x in ticks_loc]) ticks_loc = ax.get_yticks().tolist() ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:3.2%}".format(x * factor) for x in ticks_loc]) ax.legend(loc="upper right") # , fontsize = 'x-small') ax.grid(linestyle=":") ax.set_ylabel("Probability Density") try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_drawdown( returns, w, alpha=0.05, kappa=0.30, solver="CLARABEL", height=8, width=10, height_ratios=[2, 3], ax=None, ): r""" Create a chart with the evolution of portfolio prices and drawdown. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame Assets returns. w : DataFrame, optional A portfolio specified by the user. The default is None. alpha : float, optional Significance level of DaR, CDaR, EDaR and RLDaR. The default is 0.05. kappa : float, optional Deformation parameter of RLVaR and RLDaR, must be between 0 and 1. The default is 0.30. solver: str, optional Solver available for CVXPY that supports power cone programming. Used to calculate RLVaR and RLDaR. The default value is 'CLARABEL'. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 8. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 10. height_ratios : list or ndarray Defines the relative heights of the rows. Each row gets a relative height of height_ratios[i] / sum(height_ratios). The default value is [2,3]. ax : matplotlib axis of size (2,1), optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : np.array Returns the a np.array with Axes objects with plots for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_drawdown(returns=Y, w=w1, alpha=0.05, height=8, width=10, ax=None) .. image:: images/Drawdown.png """ if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if not isinstance(w, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] == 0: w = w.T elif w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] > 0: raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if returns.shape[1] != w.shape[0]: a1 = str(returns.shape) a2 = str(w.shape) raise ValueError("shapes " + a1 + " and " + a2 + " not aligned") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.subplots( nrows=2, ncols=1, gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": height_ratios} ) ax = np.ravel(ax) fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: if isinstance(ax, plt.Axes): fig = ax.get_figure() gs = GridSpec(2, 1, figure=fig, height_ratios=height_ratios) ax.set_position(gs[0].get_position(fig)) ax.set_subplotspec(gs[0]) fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) ax = fig.axes elif ( len(np.ravel(ax)) > 2 or not isinstance(ax[0], plt.Axes) or not isinstance(ax[1], plt.Axes) ): print("ax must be an array with two Axes or a subplot with 2 rows") return ax = np.ravel(ax) fig = ax[0].get_figure() index = returns.index.tolist() a = returns.to_numpy() @ w.to_numpy() prices = 1 + np.insert(a, 0, 0, axis=0) prices = np.cumprod(prices, axis=0) prices = np.ravel(prices).tolist() prices2 = 1 + np.array(np.cumsum(a, axis=0)) prices2 = np.ravel(prices2).tolist() del prices[0] DD = [] peak = -99999 for i in range(0, len(prices)): if prices2[i] > peak: peak = prices2[i] DD.append((peak - prices2[i])) DD = -np.array(DD) titles = [ "Historical Compounded Cumulative Returns", "Historical Uncompounded Drawdown", ] data = [prices, DD] color1 = ["b", "orange"] risk = [ -rk.UCI_Abs(a), -rk.ADD_Abs(a), -rk.DaR_Abs(a, alpha), -rk.CDaR_Abs(a, alpha), -rk.EDaR_Abs(a, alpha)[0], -rk.RLDaR_Abs(a, alpha, kappa, solver), -rk.MDD_Abs(a), ] label = [ "Ulcer Index: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[0]), "Average Drawdown: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[1]), "{0:.2%}".format((1 - alpha)) + " Confidence DaR: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[2]), "{0:.2%}".format((1 - alpha)) + " Confidence CDaR: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[3]), "{0:.2%}".format((1 - alpha)) + " Confidence EDaR: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[4]), "{0:.2%}".format((1 - alpha)) + " Confidence RLDaR (" + "{0:.3}".format(kappa) + "): " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[5]), "Maximum Drawdown: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[6]), ] color2 = ["b", "r", "fuchsia", "limegreen", "dodgerblue", "slateblue", "darkgrey"] j = 0 ymin = np.min(DD) * 1.5 locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=5, maxticks=10) formatter = mdates.DateFormatter("%Y-%m") for i in ax: i.clear() i.plot_date(index, data[j], "-", color=color1[j]) if j == 1: i.fill_between(index, 0, data[j], facecolor=color1[j], alpha=0.3) for k in range(0, len(risk)): i.axhline(y=risk[k], color=color2[k], linestyle="-", label=label[k]) i.set_ylim(ymin, 0) i.legend(loc="lower right") # , fontsize = 'x-small') i.set_title(titles[j]) i.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) i.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ticks_loc = i.get_yticks().tolist() i.set_yticks(i.get_yticks()) i.set_yticklabels(["{:3.2%}".format(x) for x in ticks_loc]) i.grid(linestyle=":") j = j + 1 try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_table( returns, w, MAR=0, alpha=0.05, a_sim=100, kappa=0.30, solver="CLARABEL", height=9, width=12, t_factor=252, ini_days=1, days_per_year=252, ax=None, ): r""" Create a table with information about risk measures and risk adjusted return ratios. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame Assets returns. w : DataFrame Portfolio weights. MAR: float, optional Minimum acceptable return. alpha : float, optional Significance level of VaR, CVaR, Tail Gini, EVaR, RLVaR, CDaR, EDaR and RLDaR. The default is 0.05. a_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of losses. The default is 100. beta : float, optional Significance level of CVaR and Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates alpha value. The default is None. b_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates a_sim value. The default is None. kappa : float, optional Deformation parameter of RLVaR and RLDaR, must be between 0 and 1. The default is 0.30. solver: str, optional Solver available for CVXPY that supports power cone programming. Used to calculate RLVaR and RLDaR. The default value is 'CLARABEL'. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 9. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 12. t_factor : float, optional Factor used to annualize expected return and expected risks for risk measures based on returns (not drawdowns). The default is 252. .. math:: \begin{align} \text{Annualized Return} & = \text{Return} \, \times \, \text{t_factor} \\ \text{Annualized Risk} & = \text{Risk} \, \times \, \sqrt{\text{t_factor}} \end{align} ini_days : float, optional If provided, it is the number of days of compounding for first return. It is used to calculate Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). This value depend on assumptions used in t_factor, for example if data is monthly you can use 21 (252 days per year) or 30 (360 days per year). The default is 1 for daily returns. days_per_year: float, optional Days per year assumption. It is used to calculate Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). Default value is 252 trading days per year. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_table(returns=Y, w=w1, MAR=0, alpha=0.05, ax=None) .. image:: images/Port_Table.png """ if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if not isinstance(w, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if returns.shape[1] != w.shape[0]: a1 = str(returns.shape) a2 = str(w.shape) raise ValueError("shapes " + a1 + " and " + a2 + " not aligned") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() mu = returns.mean() cov = returns.cov() days = (returns.index[-1] - returns.index[0]).days + ini_days X = returns @ w X = X.to_numpy().ravel() rowLabels = [ "Profitability and Other Inputs", "Mean Return (1)", "Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)", "Minimum Acceptable Return (MAR) (1)", "Significance Level", "", "Risk Measures based on Returns", "Standard Deviation (2)", "Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) (2)", "Semi Standard Deviation (2)", "First Lower Partial Moment (FLPM) (2)", "Second Lower Partial Moment (SLPM) (2)", "Value at Risk (VaR) (2)", "Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) (2)", "Entropic Value at Risk (EVaR) (2)", "Tail Gini of Losses (TG) (2)", "Relativistic Value at Risk (RLVaR ) (2)", "Worst Realization (2)", "Skewness", "Kurtosis", "", "Risk Measures based on Drawdowns (3)", "Ulcer Index (UCI)", "Average Drawdown (ADD)", "Drawdown at Risk (DaR)", "Conditional Drawdown at Risk (CDaR)", "Entropic Drawdown at Risk (EDaR)", "Relativistic Drawdown at Risk (RLDaR)", "Max Drawdown (MDD)", "(1) Annualized, multiplied by " + str(t_factor), "(2) Annualized, multiplied by √" + str(t_factor), "(3) Based on uncompounded cumulated returns", ] indicators = [ "", (mu @ w).to_numpy().item() * t_factor, np.power( + X), days_per_year / days) - 1, MAR * t_factor, alpha, "", "", np.sqrt(w.T @ cov @ w).to_numpy().item() * t_factor**0.5, rk.MAD(X) * t_factor**0.5, rk.SemiDeviation(X) * t_factor**0.5, rk.LPM(X, MAR=MAR, p=1) * t_factor**0.5, rk.LPM(X, MAR=MAR, p=2) * t_factor**0.5, rk.VaR_Hist(X, alpha=alpha) * t_factor**0.5, rk.CVaR_Hist(X, alpha=alpha) * t_factor**0.5, rk.TG(X, alpha=alpha, a_sim=a_sim) * t_factor**0.5, rk.EVaR_Hist(X, alpha=alpha)[0] * t_factor**0.5, rk.RLVaR_Hist(X, alpha=alpha, kappa=kappa, solver=solver) * t_factor**0.5, rk.WR(X) * t_factor**0.5, st.skew(X, bias=False), st.kurtosis(X, bias=False), "", "", rk.UCI_Abs(X), rk.ADD_Abs(X), rk.DaR_Abs(X), rk.CDaR_Abs(X, alpha=alpha), rk.EDaR_Abs(X, alpha=alpha)[0], rk.RLDaR_Abs(X, alpha=alpha, kappa=kappa, solver=solver), rk.MDD_Abs(X), "", "", "", ] ratios = [] for i in range(len(indicators)): if i < 6 or indicators[i] == "" or rowLabels[i] in ["Skewness", "Kurtosis"]: ratios.append("") else: if indicators[i] == 0: ratios.append("") else: ratio = (indicators[1] - MAR) / indicators[i] ratios.append(ratio) for i in range(len(indicators)): if indicators[i] != "": if rowLabels[i] in ["Skewness", "Kurtosis"]: indicators[i] = "{:.5f}".format(indicators[i]) else: indicators[i] = "{:.4%}".format(indicators[i]) if ratios[i] != "": ratios[i] = "{:.6f}".format(ratios[i]) data = pd.DataFrame({"A": rowLabels, "B": indicators, "C": ratios}).to_numpy() ax.set_axis_off() ax.axis("tight") ax.axis("off") colLabels = ["", "Values", "(Return - MAR)/Risk"] colWidths = [0.45, 0.275, 0.275] rowHeight = 0.07 table = ax.table( cellText=data, colLabels=colLabels, colWidths=colWidths, cellLoc="center", loc="upper left", bbox=[-0.03, 0, 1, 1], ) table.auto_set_font_size(False) cellDict = table.get_celld() k = 1 rowHeight = 1 / len(rowLabels) ncols = len(colLabels) nrows = len(rowLabels) for i in range(0, ncols): cellDict[(0, i)].set_text_props(weight="bold", color="white", size="x-large") cellDict[(0, i)].set_facecolor("darkblue") cellDict[(0, i)].set_edgecolor("white") cellDict[(0, i)].set_height(rowHeight) for j in range(1, nrows + 1): cellDict[(j, 0)].set_text_props( weight="bold", color="black", size="x-large", ha="left" ) cellDict[(j, i)].set_text_props(color="black", size="x-large") cellDict[(j, 0)].set_edgecolor("white") cellDict[(j, i)].set_edgecolor("white") if k % 2 != 0: cellDict[(j, 0)].set_facecolor("whitesmoke") cellDict[(j, i)].set_facecolor("whitesmoke") if j in [6, 20]: cellDict[(j, 0)].set_facecolor("white") cellDict[(j, i)].set_facecolor("white") if j in [1, 7, 21]: cellDict[(j, 0)].set_text_props(color="white") cellDict[(j, 0)].set_facecolor("orange") cellDict[(j, i)].set_facecolor("orange") k = 1 k += 1 cellDict[(j, i)].set_height(rowHeight) for i in range(0, ncols): for j in range(nrows - 2, nrows + 1): cellDict[(j, i)].set_text_props( weight="normal", color="black", size="large" ) cellDict[(j, i)].set_facecolor("white") try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_clusters( returns, custom_cov=None, codependence="pearson", linkage="ward", k=None, max_k=10, bins_info="KN", alpha_tail=0.05, gs_threshold=0.5, leaf_order=True, show_clusters=True, dendrogram=True, cmap="RdYlBu", linecolor="fuchsia", title="", height=12, width=12, ax=None, ): r""" Create a clustermap plot based on the selected codependence measure. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame Assets returns. custom_cov : DataFrame or None, optional Custom covariance matrix, used when codependence parameter has value 'custom_cov'. The default is None. codependence : str, can be {'pearson', 'spearman', 'abs_pearson', 'abs_spearman', 'distance', 'mutual_info', 'tail' or 'custom_cov'} The codependence or similarity matrix used to build the distance metric and clusters. The default is 'pearson'. Possible values are: - 'pearson': pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho_{i,j})}`. - 'spearman': spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho_{i,j})}`. - 'kendall': kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{kendall}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber1': Gerber statistic 1 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber1}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber2': Gerber statistic 2 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber2}_{i,j})}`. - 'abs_pearson': absolute value pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_spearman': absolute value spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_kendall': absolute value kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho^{kendall}_{i,j}|)}`. - 'distance': distance correlation matrix. Distance formula :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'mutual_info': mutual information matrix. Distance used is variation information matrix. - 'tail': lower tail dependence index matrix. Dissimilarity formula :math:`D_{i,j} = -\log{\lambda_{i,j}}`. - 'custom_cov': use custom correlation matrix based on the custom_cov parameter. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{pearson}_{i,j})}`. linkage : string, optional Linkage method of hierarchical clustering, see `linkage <>`_ for more details. The default is 'ward'. Possible values are: - 'single'. - 'complete'. - 'average'. - 'weighted'. - 'centroid'. - 'median'. - 'ward'. - 'DBHT': Direct Bubble Hierarchical Tree. k : int, optional Number of clusters. This value is took instead of the optimal number of clusters calculated with the two difference gap statistic. The default is None. max_k : int, optional Max number of clusters used by the two difference gap statistic to find the optimal number of clusters. The default is 10. bins_info: int or str Number of bins used to calculate variation of information. The default value is 'KN'. Possible values are: - 'KN': Knuth's choice method. See more in `knuth_bin_width <>`_. - 'FD': Freedman–Diaconis' choice method. See more in `freedman_bin_width <>`_. - 'SC': Scotts' choice method. See more in `scott_bin_width <>`_. - 'HGR': Hacine-Gharbi and Ravier' choice method. - int: integer value chosen by user. alpha_tail : float, optional Significance level for lower tail dependence index. The default is 0.05. gs_threshold : float, optional Gerber statistic threshold. The default is 0.5. leaf_order : bool, optional Indicates if the cluster are ordered so that the distance between successive leaves is minimal. The default is True. show_clusters : bool, optional Indicates if clusters are plot. The default is True. dendrogram : bool, optional Indicates if the plot has or not a dendrogram. The default is True. cmap : str or cmap, optional Colormap used to plot the pcolormesh plot. The default is 'viridis'. linecolor : str, optional Color used to identify the clusters in the pcolormesh plot. The default is fuchsia'. title : str, optional Title of the chart. The default is "". height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 12. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 12. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_clusters(returns=Y, codependence='spearman', linkage='ward', k=None, max_k=10, leaf_order=True, dendrogram=True, ax=None) .. image:: images/Assets_Clusters.png """ if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() ax.grid(False) ax.axis("off") labels = np.array(returns.columns.tolist()) vmin, vmax = 0, 1 if codependence in { "pearson", "spearman", "kendall", "gerber1", "gerber2", }: vmin, vmax = -1, 1 # Calculating codependence matrix and distance metric codep, dist = af.codep_dist( returns=returns, custom_cov=custom_cov, codependence=codependence, bins_info=bins_info, alpha_tail=alpha_tail, gs_threshold=gs_threshold, ) # Hierarchical clustering dist = dist.to_numpy() dist = pd.DataFrame(dist, columns=codep.columns, index=codep.index) dim = len(dist) if linkage == "DBHT": # different choices for D, S give different outputs! D = dist.to_numpy() # dissimilarity matrix if codependence in {"pearson", "spearman", "custom_cov"}: S = (1 - dist**2).to_numpy() else: S = codep.to_numpy() # similarity matrix (_, _, _, _, _, clustering) = db.DBHTs( D, S, leaf_order=leaf_order ) # DBHT clustering else: p_dist = squareform(dist, checks=False) clustering = hr.linkage(p_dist, method=linkage, optimal_ordering=leaf_order) # Ordering clusterings permutation = hr.leaves_list(clustering) permutation = permutation.tolist() ordered_codep = codep.to_numpy()[permutation, :][:, permutation] # optimal number of clusters if k is None: k = af.two_diff_gap_stat(dist, clustering, max_k) clustering_inds = hr.fcluster(clustering, k, criterion="maxclust") clusters = {i: [] for i in range(min(clustering_inds), max(clustering_inds) + 1)} for i, v in enumerate(clustering_inds): clusters[v].append(i) ax = fig.add_axes([0.3, 0.1, 0.6, 0.6]) im = ax.pcolormesh(ordered_codep, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(codep.shape[0]) + 0.5, minor=False) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(codep.shape[0]) + 0.5, minor=False) ax.set_xticklabels(labels[permutation], rotation=90, ha="center") ax.set_yticklabels(labels[permutation], va="center") ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax.yaxis.tick_right() flag = False if show_clusters is True: if linecolor is None: linecolor = "fuchsia" flag = True elif linecolor is not None: flag = True if flag: for cluster_id, cluster in clusters.items(): amin = permutation.index(cluster[0]) xmin, xmax = amin, amin + len(cluster) ymin, ymax = amin, amin + len(cluster) for i in cluster: a = permutation.index(i) if a < amin: xmin, xmax = a, a + len(cluster) ymin, ymax = a, a + len(cluster) amin = a ax.axvline( x=xmin, ymin=ymin / dim, ymax=(ymax) / dim, linewidth=4, color=linecolor ) ax.axvline( x=xmax, ymin=ymin / dim, ymax=(ymax) / dim, linewidth=4, color=linecolor ) ax.axhline( y=ymin, xmin=xmin / dim, xmax=(xmax) / dim, linewidth=4, color=linecolor ) ax.axhline( y=ymax, xmin=xmin / dim, xmax=(xmax) / dim, linewidth=4, color=linecolor ) axcolor = fig.add_axes([1.02, 0.1, 0.02, 0.6]) plt.colorbar(im, cax=axcolor) if dendrogram == True: ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.3, 0.71, 0.6, 0.2]) if show_clusters is False: color_threshold = 0 elif show_clusters is True: root, nodes = hr.to_tree(clustering, rd=True) nodes = [i.dist for i in nodes] nodes.sort() nodes = nodes[::-1][: k - 1] color_threshold = np.min(nodes) colors = af.color_list(k) hr.set_link_color_palette(colors) hr.dendrogram( clustering, color_threshold=color_threshold, above_threshold_color="grey", ax=ax1, ) hr.set_link_color_palette(None) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.FixedLocator(np.arange(codep.shape[0]))) ax1.set_xticklabels(labels[permutation], rotation=90, ha="center") if show_clusters is True: i = 0 for coll in ax1.collections[ :-1 ]: # the last collection is the ungrouped level xmin, xmax = np.inf, -np.inf ymax = -np.inf for p in coll.get_paths(): (x0, _), (x1, y1) = p.get_extents().get_points() xmin = min(xmin, x0) xmax = max(xmax, x1) ymax = max(ymax, y1) rec = plt.Rectangle( (xmin - 4, 0), xmax - xmin + 8, ymax * 1.05, facecolor=colors[i], # coll.get_color()[0], alpha=0.2, edgecolor="none", ) ax1.add_patch(rec) i += 1 ax1.set_xticks([]) ax1.set_yticks([]) for i in {"right", "left", "top", "bottom"}: side = ax1.spines[i] side.set_visible(False) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.09, 0.1, 0.2, 0.6]) if show_clusters is True: hr.set_link_color_palette(colors) hr.dendrogram( clustering, color_threshold=color_threshold, above_threshold_color="grey", orientation="left", ax=ax2, ) hr.set_link_color_palette(None) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.FixedLocator(np.arange(codep.shape[0]))) ax2.set_xticklabels(labels[permutation], rotation=90, ha="center") if show_clusters is True: i = 0 for coll in ax2.collections[ :-1 ]: # the last collection is the ungrouped level ymin, ymax = np.inf, -np.inf xmax = -np.inf for p in coll.get_paths(): (_, y0), (x1, y1) = p.get_extents().get_points() ymin = min(ymin, y0) ymax = max(ymax, y1) xmax = max(xmax, x1) rec = plt.Rectangle( (0, ymin - 4), xmax * 1.05, ymax - ymin + 8, facecolor=colors[i], # coll.get_color()[0], alpha=0.2, edgecolor="none", ) ax2.add_patch(rec) i += 1 ax2.set_xticks([]) ax2.set_yticks([]) ax2.set_yticklabels([]) for i in {"right", "left", "top", "bottom"}: side = ax2.spines[i] side.set_visible(False) if title == "": title = ( "Assets Clustermap (" + codependence.capitalize() + " & " + linkage + " linkage)" ) if dendrogram == True: ax1.set_title(title) elif dendrogram == False: ax.set_title(title) try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_dendrogram( returns, custom_cov=None, codependence="pearson", linkage="ward", k=None, max_k=10, bins_info="KN", alpha_tail=0.05, gs_threshold=0.5, leaf_order=True, show_clusters=True, title="", height=5, width=12, ax=None, ): r""" Create a dendrogram based on the selected codependence measure. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame Assets returns. custom_cov : DataFrame or None, optional Custom covariance matrix, used when codependence parameter has value 'custom_cov'. The default is None. codependence : str, can be {'pearson', 'spearman', 'abs_pearson', 'abs_spearman', 'distance', 'mutual_info', 'tail' or 'custom_cov'} The codependence or similarity matrix used to build the distance metric and clusters. The default is 'pearson'. Possible values are: - 'pearson': pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho_{i,j})}`. - 'spearman': spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho_{i,j})}`. - 'kendall': kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{kendall}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber1': Gerber statistic 1 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber1}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber2': Gerber statistic 2 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber2}_{i,j})}`. - 'abs_pearson': absolute value pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_spearman': absolute value spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_kendall': absolute value kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho^{kendall}_{i,j}|)}`. - 'distance': distance correlation matrix. Distance formula :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'mutual_info': mutual information matrix. Distance used is variation information matrix. - 'tail': lower tail dependence index matrix. Dissimilarity formula :math:`D_{i,j} = -\log{\lambda_{i,j}}`. - 'custom_cov': use custom correlation matrix based on the custom_cov parameter. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{pearson}_{i,j})}`. linkage : string, optional Linkage method of hierarchical clustering, see `linkage <>`_ for more details. The default is 'ward'. Possible values are: - 'single'. - 'complete'. - 'average'. - 'weighted'. - 'centroid'. - 'median'. - 'ward'. - 'DBHT': Direct Bubble Hierarchical Tree. k : int, optional Number of clusters. This value is took instead of the optimal number of clusters calculated with the two difference gap statistic. The default is None. max_k : int, optional Max number of clusters used by the two difference gap statistic to find the optimal number of clusters. The default is 10. bins_info: int or str Number of bins used to calculate variation of information. The default value is 'KN'. Possible values are: - 'KN': Knuth's choice method. See more in `knuth_bin_width <>`_. - 'FD': Freedman–Diaconis' choice method. See more in `freedman_bin_width <>`_. - 'SC': Scotts' choice method. See more in `scott_bin_width <>`_. - 'HGR': Hacine-Gharbi and Ravier' choice method. - int: integer value chosen by user. alpha_tail : float, optional Significance level for lower tail dependence index. The default is 0.05. gs_threshold : float, optional Gerber statistic threshold. The default is 0.5. leaf_order : bool, optional Indicates if the cluster are ordered so that the distance between successive leaves is minimal. The default is True. show_clusters : bool, optional Indicates if clusters are plot. The default is True. title : str, optional Title of the chart. The default is "". height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 5. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 12. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_dendrogram(returns=Y, codependence='spearman', linkage='ward', k=None, max_k=10, leaf_order=True, ax=None) .. image:: images/Assets_Dendrogram.png """ if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() labels = np.array(returns.columns.tolist()) # Calculating codependence matrix and distance metric codep, dist = af.codep_dist( returns=returns, custom_cov=custom_cov, codependence=codependence, bins_info=bins_info, alpha_tail=alpha_tail, gs_threshold=gs_threshold, ) # Hierarchical clustering dist = dist.to_numpy() dist = pd.DataFrame(dist, columns=codep.columns, index=codep.index) if linkage == "DBHT": # different choices for D, S give different outputs! D = dist.to_numpy() # dissimilarity matrix if codependence in {"pearson", "spearman", "custom_cov"}: S = (1 - dist**2).to_numpy() else: S = codep.copy().to_numpy() # similarity matrix (_, _, _, _, _, clustering) = db.DBHTs( D, S, leaf_order=leaf_order ) # DBHT clustering else: p_dist = squareform(dist, checks=False) clustering = hr.linkage(p_dist, method=linkage, optimal_ordering=leaf_order) # Ordering clusterings permutation = hr.leaves_list(clustering) permutation = permutation.tolist() if show_clusters is False: color_threshold = 0 elif show_clusters is True: # optimal number of clusters if k is None: k = af.two_diff_gap_stat(dist, clustering, max_k) root, nodes = hr.to_tree(clustering, rd=True) nodes = [i.dist for i in nodes] nodes.sort() nodes = nodes[::-1][: k - 1] color_threshold = np.min(nodes) colors = af.color_list(k) # color list hr.set_link_color_palette(colors) hr.dendrogram( clustering, color_threshold=color_threshold, above_threshold_color="grey", ax=ax ) hr.set_link_color_palette(None) ax.set_xticklabels(labels[permutation], rotation=90, ha="center") if show_clusters is True: i = 0 for coll in ax.collections[:-1]: # the last collection is the ungrouped level xmin, xmax = np.inf, -np.inf ymax = -np.inf for p in coll.get_paths(): (x0, _), (x1, y1) = p.get_extents().get_points() xmin = min(xmin, x0) xmax = max(xmax, x1) ymax = max(ymax, y1) rec = plt.Rectangle( (xmin - 4, 0), xmax - xmin + 8, ymax * 1.05, facecolor=colors[i], # coll.get_color()[0], alpha=0.2, edgecolor="none", ) ax.add_patch(rec) i += 1 ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) for i in {"right", "left", "top", "bottom"}: side = ax.spines[i] side.set_visible(False) if title == "": title = ( "Assets Dendrogram (" + codependence.capitalize() + " & " + linkage + " linkage)" ) ax.set_title(title) try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_network( returns, custom_cov=None, codependence="pearson", linkage="ward", k=None, max_k=10, bins_info="KN", alpha_tail=0.05, gs_threshold=0.5, leaf_order=True, kind="spring", seed=0, node_labels=True, node_size=1400, node_alpha=0.7, font_size=10, title="", height=8, width=10, ax=None, ): r""" Create a network plot. The Planar Maximally Filtered Graph (PMFG) for DBHT linkage and Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) for other linkage methods. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame Assets returns. custom_cov : DataFrame or None, optional Custom covariance matrix, used when codependence parameter has value 'custom_cov'. The default is None. codependence : str, can be {'pearson', 'spearman', 'abs_pearson', 'abs_spearman', 'distance', 'mutual_info', 'tail' or 'custom_cov'} The codependence or similarity matrix used to build the distance metric and clusters. The default is 'pearson'. Possible values are: - 'pearson': pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{pearson}_{i,j})}`. - 'spearman': spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{spearman}_{i,j})}`. - 'kendall': kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{kendall}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber1': Gerber statistic 1 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber1}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber2': Gerber statistic 2 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber2}_{i,j})}`. - 'abs_pearson': absolute value pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_spearman': absolute value spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_kendall': absolute value kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho^{kendall}_{i,j}|)}`. - 'distance': distance correlation matrix. Distance formula :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-\rho^{distance}_{i,j})}`. - 'mutual_info': mutual information matrix. Distance used is variation information matrix. - 'tail': lower tail dependence index matrix. Dissimilarity formula :math:`D_{i,j} = -\log{\lambda_{i,j}}`. - 'custom_cov': use custom correlation matrix based on the custom_cov parameter. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{pearson}_{i,j})}`. linkage : string, optional Linkage method of hierarchical clustering, see `linkage <>`_ for more details. The default is 'ward'. Possible values are: - 'single'. - 'complete'. - 'average'. - 'weighted'. - 'centroid'. - 'median'. - 'ward'. - 'DBHT': Direct Bubble Hierarchical Tree. k : int, optional Number of clusters. This value is took instead of the optimal number of clusters calculated with the two difference gap statistic. The default is None. max_k : int, optional Max number of clusters used by the two difference gap statistic to find the optimal number of clusters. The default is 10. bins_info: int or str Number of bins used to calculate variation of information. The default value is 'KN'. Possible values are: - 'KN': Knuth's choice method. See more in `knuth_bin_width <>`_. - 'FD': Freedman–Diaconis' choice method. See more in `freedman_bin_width <>`_. - 'SC': Scotts' choice method. See more in `scott_bin_width <>`_. - 'HGR': Hacine-Gharbi and Ravier' choice method. - int: integer value chosen by user. alpha_tail : float, optional Significance level for lower tail dependence index. The default is 0.05. gs_threshold : float, optional Gerber statistic threshold. The default is 0.5. leaf_order : bool, optional Indicates if the cluster are ordered so that the distance between successive leaves is minimal. The default is True. kind : str, optional Kind of networkx layout. The default value is 'spring'. Possible values are: - 'spring': networkx spring_layout. - 'planar'. networkx planar_layout. - 'circular'. networkx circular_layout. - 'kamada'. networkx kamada_kawai_layout. seed : int, optional Seed for networkx spring layout. The default value is 0. node_labels : bool, optional Specify if node lables are visible. The default value is True. node_size : float, optional Size of the nodes. The default value is 1600. node_alpha : float, optional Alpha parameter or transparency of nodes. The default value is 0.7. font_size : float, optional Font size of node labels. The default value is 12. title : str, optional Title of the chart. The default is "". height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 5. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 12. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_network(returns=Y, codependence="pearson", linkage="ward", k=None, max_k=10, alpha_tail=0.05, leaf_order=True, kind='kamada', ax=None) .. image:: images/Assets_Network.png """ if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() labels = np.array(returns.columns.tolist()) # Calculating codependence matrix and distance metric codep, dist = af.codep_dist( returns=returns, custom_cov=custom_cov, codependence=codependence, bins_info=bins_info, alpha_tail=alpha_tail, gs_threshold=gs_threshold, ) # Hierarchical clustering dist = dist.to_numpy() dist = pd.DataFrame(dist, columns=codep.columns, index=codep.index) if linkage == "DBHT": # different choices for D, S give different outputs! D = dist.to_numpy() # dissimilarity matrix if codependence in {"pearson", "spearman", "custom_cov"}: S = (1 - dist**2).to_numpy() else: S = codep.copy().to_numpy() # similarity matrix (_, Rpm, _, _, _, clustering) = db.DBHTs( D, S, leaf_order=leaf_order ) # DBHT clustering MAdj = pd.DataFrame(Rpm, index=labels, columns=labels) G = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(MAdj) else: p_dist = squareform(dist, checks=False) clustering = hr.linkage(p_dist, method=linkage, optimal_ordering=leaf_order) T = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(dist) # create a graph G from a numpy matrix G = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(T) # optimal number of clusters if k is None: k = af.two_diff_gap_stat(dist, clustering, max_k) clustering_inds = hr.fcluster(clustering, k, criterion="maxclust") clusters = {i: [] for i in range(min(clustering_inds), max(clustering_inds) + 1)} for i, v in enumerate(clustering_inds): clusters[v].append(labels[i]) # Layout options node_options = { "node_size": node_size, "alpha": node_alpha, } font_options = { "font_size": font_size, "font_color": "k", } label_options = {"ec": "k", "fc": "white", "alpha": 0.7} if kind == "spring": pos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed=seed) elif kind == "planar": pos = nx.planar_layout(G) elif kind == "circular": pos = nx.circular_layout(G) elif kind == "kamada": pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G) # Plotting nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=pos, ax=ax, edge_color="grey") if node_labels == True: nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos=pos, ax=ax, bbox=label_options, **font_options) colors = af.color_list(k) for i, color in zip(clusters.keys(), colors): nx.draw_networkx_nodes( G, pos=pos, nodelist=clusters[i], node_color=color, ax=ax, **node_options ) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) for i in {"right", "left", "top", "bottom"}: side = ax.spines[i] side.set_visible(False) if title == "": if linkage == "DBHT": title = ( "Planar Maximally Filtered Graph (" + codependence.capitalize() + ", " + linkage + " linkage & " + kind + " layout)" ) else: title = ( "Minimun Spanning Tree (" + codependence.capitalize() + ", " + linkage + " linkage & " + kind + " layout)" ) ax.set_title(title) try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_network_allocation( returns, w, custom_cov=None, codependence="pearson", linkage="ward", bins_info="KN", alpha_tail=0.05, gs_threshold=0.5, leaf_order=True, kind="spring", seed=0, node_labels=True, max_node_size=2000, color_lng="tab:blue", color_sht="tab:red", label_v=0.08, label_h=0, font_size=10, title="", height=8, width=10, ax=None, ): r""" Create a network plot with node size of the nodes and color represents the amount invested and direction (long-short) respectively. The Planar Maximally Filtered Graph (PMFG) for DBHT linkage and Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) for other linkage methods. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame Assets returns. w : DataFrame of shape (n_assets, 1) Portfolio weights. custom_cov : DataFrame or None, optional Custom covariance matrix, used when codependence parameter has value 'custom_cov'. The default is None. codependence : str, can be {'pearson', 'spearman', 'abs_pearson', 'abs_spearman', 'distance', 'mutual_info', 'tail' or 'custom_cov'} The codependence or similarity matrix used to build the distance metric and clusters. The default is 'pearson'. Possible values are: - 'pearson': pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{pearson}_{i,j})}`. - 'spearman': spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{spearman}_{i,j})}`. - 'kendall': kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{kendall}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber1': Gerber statistic 1 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber1}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber2': Gerber statistic 2 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber2}_{i,j})}`. - 'abs_pearson': absolute value pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_spearman': absolute value spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_kendall': absolute value kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho^{kendall}_{i,j}|)}`. - 'distance': distance correlation matrix. Distance formula :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-\rho^{distance}_{i,j})}`. - 'mutual_info': mutual information matrix. Distance used is variation information matrix. - 'tail': lower tail dependence index matrix. Dissimilarity formula :math:`D_{i,j} = -\log{\lambda_{i,j}}`. - 'custom_cov': use custom correlation matrix based on the custom_cov parameter. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{pearson}_{i,j})}`. linkage : string, optional Linkage method of hierarchical clustering, see `linkage <>`_ for more details. The default is 'ward'. Possible values are: - 'single'. - 'complete'. - 'average'. - 'weighted'. - 'centroid'. - 'median'. - 'ward'. - 'DBHT': Direct Bubble Hierarchical Tree. bins_info: int or str Number of bins used to calculate variation of information. The default value is 'KN'. Possible values are: - 'KN': Knuth's choice method. See more in `knuth_bin_width <>`_. - 'FD': Freedman–Diaconis' choice method. See more in `freedman_bin_width <>`_. - 'SC': Scotts' choice method. See more in `scott_bin_width <>`_. - 'HGR': Hacine-Gharbi and Ravier' choice method. - int: integer value chosen by user. alpha_tail : float, optional Significance level for lower tail dependence index. The default is 0.05. gs_threshold : float, optional Gerber statistic threshold. The default is 0.5. leaf_order : bool, optional Indicates if the cluster are ordered so that the distance between successive leaves is minimal. The default is True. kind : str, optional Kind of networkx layout. The default value is 'spring'. Possible values are: - 'spring': networkx spring_layout. - 'planar'. networkx planar_layout. - 'circular'. networkx circular_layout. - 'kamada'. networkx kamada_kawai_layout. seed : int, optional Seed for networkx spring layout. The default value is 0. node_labels : bool, optional Specify if node lables are visible. The default value is True. max_node_size : float, optional Size of the node with maximum weight in absolute value. The default value is 2000. color_lng : str, optional Color of assets with long positions. The default value is 'tab:blue'. color_sht : str, optional Color of assets with short positions. The default value is 'tab:red'. label_v : float, optional Vertical distance the label is offset from the center. The default value is 0.08. label_h : float, optional Horizontal distance the label is offset from the center. The default value is 0. font_size : float, optional Font size of node labels. The default value is 12. title : str, optional Title of the chart. The default is "". height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 5. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 12. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_network_allocation(returns=Y, w=w1, codependence="pearson", linkage="ward", alpha_tail=0.05, leaf_order=True, kind='kamada', ax=None) .. image:: images/Assets_Network_Allocation.png """ if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() labels = np.array(returns.columns.tolist()) # Calculating codependence matrix and distance metric codep, dist = af.codep_dist( returns=returns, custom_cov=custom_cov, codependence=codependence, bins_info=bins_info, alpha_tail=alpha_tail, gs_threshold=gs_threshold, ) # Hierarchical clustering dist = dist.to_numpy() dist = pd.DataFrame(dist, columns=codep.columns, index=codep.index) if linkage == "DBHT": # different choices for D, S give different outputs! D = dist.to_numpy() # dissimilarity matrix if codependence in {"pearson", "spearman", "custom_cov"}: S = (1 - dist**2).to_numpy() else: S = codep.copy().to_numpy() # similarity matrix (_, Rpm, _, _, _, clustering) = db.DBHTs( D, S, leaf_order=leaf_order ) # DBHT clustering MAdj = pd.DataFrame(Rpm, index=labels, columns=labels) G = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(MAdj) else: T = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(dist) # create a graph G from a numpy matrix G = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(T) label_options = {"ec": "k", "fc": "white", "alpha": 0.7} if kind == "spring": pos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed=seed) elif kind == "planar": pos = nx.planar_layout(G) elif kind == "circular": pos = nx.circular_layout(G) elif kind == "kamada": pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G) # Plotting nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=pos, ax=ax, edge_color="grey") clusters_1 = w.loc[w.iloc[:, 0] > 1e-6] clusters_2 = w.loc[(w.iloc[:, 0] <= 1e-6) & (w.iloc[:, 0] >= -1e-6)] clusters_3 = w.loc[w.iloc[:, 0] < -1e-6] label_options = {"ec": "k", "fc": "white", "alpha": 0.7} font_options = { "font_size": font_size, "font_color": "k", } node_w = np.abs(w) * max_node_size / np.abs(w).sum().item() if node_labels == True: labels = {} labels_pos = {} for node in G.nodes(): if node in list(clusters_1.index): labels[node] = node labels_pos[node] = pos[node] + np.array([label_h, label_v]) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( G, pos=pos, nodelist=list(clusters_1.index), node_color=color_lng, alpha=0.8, ax=ax, node_size=node_w.loc[clusters_1.index], ) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( G, pos=pos, nodelist=list(clusters_2.index), node_color="lightgrey", alpha=0.5, ax=ax, node_size=100, ) if len(clusters_3) > 0: nx.draw_networkx_nodes( G, pos=pos, nodelist=list(clusters_3.index), node_color=color_sht, alpha=0.6, ax=ax, node_size=node_w.loc[clusters_3.index], ) if node_labels == True: for node in G.nodes(): if node in list(clusters_3.index): labels[node] = node labels_pos[node] = pos[node] + np.array([label_h, label_v]) if node_labels == True: nx.draw_networkx_labels( G, pos=labels_pos, labels=labels, ax=ax, bbox=label_options, **font_options ) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) for i in {"right", "left", "top", "bottom"}: side = ax.spines[i] side.set_visible(False) if title == "": if linkage == "DBHT": title = ( "Planar Maximally Filtered Graph Asset Allocation(" + codependence.capitalize() + " & " + kind + " layout)" ) else: title = ( "Minimun Spanning Tree Asset Allocation (" + codependence.capitalize() + " & " + kind + " layout)" ) ax.set_title(title) try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_clusters_network( returns, custom_cov=None, codependence="pearson", linkage="ward", k=None, max_k=10, bins_info="KN", alpha_tail=0.05, gs_threshold=0.5, leaf_order=True, seed=0, node_labels=True, node_size=2000, node_alpha=0.7, scale=10, subscale=5, font_size=10, title="", height=8, width=10, ax=None, ): r""" Create a network plot. The Planar Maximally Filtered Graph (PMFG) for DBHT linkage and Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) for other linkage methods. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame Assets returns. w : DataFrame of shape (n_assets, 1) Portfolio weights. custom_cov : DataFrame or None, optional Custom covariance matrix, used when codependence parameter has value 'custom_cov'. The default is None. codependence : str, can be {'pearson', 'spearman', 'abs_pearson', 'abs_spearman', 'distance', 'mutual_info', 'tail' or 'custom_cov'} The codependence or similarity matrix used to build the distance metric and clusters. The default is 'pearson'. Possible values are: - 'pearson': pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{pearson}_{i,j})}`. - 'spearman': spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{spearman}_{i,j})}`. - 'kendall': kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{kendall}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber1': Gerber statistic 1 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber1}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber2': Gerber statistic 2 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber2}_{i,j})}`. - 'abs_pearson': absolute value pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_spearman': absolute value spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_kendall': absolute value kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho^{kendall}_{i,j}|)}`. - 'distance': distance correlation matrix. Distance formula :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-\rho^{distance}_{i,j})}`. - 'mutual_info': mutual information matrix. Distance used is variation information matrix. - 'tail': lower tail dependence index matrix. Dissimilarity formula :math:`D_{i,j} = -\log{\lambda_{i,j}}`. - 'custom_cov': use custom correlation matrix based on the custom_cov parameter. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{pearson}_{i,j})}`. linkage : string, optional Linkage method of hierarchical clustering, see `linkage <>`_ for more details. The default is 'ward'. Possible values are: - 'single'. - 'complete'. - 'average'. - 'weighted'. - 'centroid'. - 'median'. - 'ward'. - 'DBHT': Direct Bubble Hierarchical Tree. bins_info: int or str Number of bins used to calculate variation of information. The default value is 'KN'. Possible values are: - 'KN': Knuth's choice method. See more in `knuth_bin_width <>`_. - 'FD': Freedman–Diaconis' choice method. See more in `freedman_bin_width <>`_. - 'SC': Scotts' choice method. See more in `scott_bin_width <>`_. - 'HGR': Hacine-Gharbi and Ravier' choice method. - int: integer value chosen by user. alpha_tail : float, optional Significance level for lower tail dependence index. The default is 0.05. gs_threshold : float, optional Gerber statistic threshold. The default is 0.5. leaf_order : bool, optional Indicates if the cluster are ordered so that the distance between successive leaves is minimal. The default is True. seed : int, optional Seed for networkx spring layout. The default value is 0. node_labels : bool, optional Specify if node lables are visible. The default value is True. max_node_size : float, optional Size of the node with maximum weight in absolute value. The default value is 2000. node_alpha : float, optional Alpha parameter or transparency of nodes. The default value is 0.7. scale : float, optional Scale of whole graph. The default value is 10. subscale : float, optional Scale of clusters. The default value is 5. font_size : float, optional Font size of node labels. The default value is 12. title : str, optional Title of the chart. The default is "". height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 5. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 12. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_clusters_network(returns=Y, codependence="pearson", linkage="ward", k=None, max_k=10, ax=None) .. image:: images/Assets_Clusters_Network.png """ if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() labels = np.array(returns.columns.tolist()) # Calculating codependence matrix and distance metric codep, dist = af.codep_dist( returns=returns, custom_cov=custom_cov, codependence=codependence, bins_info=bins_info, alpha_tail=alpha_tail, gs_threshold=gs_threshold, ) # Hierarchical clustering dist = dist.to_numpy() dist = pd.DataFrame(dist, columns=codep.columns, index=codep.index) if linkage == "DBHT": # different choices for D, S give different outputs! D = dist.to_numpy() # dissimilarity matrix if codependence in {"pearson", "spearman", "custom_cov"}: S = (1 - dist**2).to_numpy() else: S = codep.copy().to_numpy() # similarity matrix (_, Rpm, _, _, _, clustering) = db.DBHTs( D, S, leaf_order=leaf_order ) # DBHT clustering else: p_dist = squareform(dist, checks=False) clustering = hr.linkage(p_dist, method=linkage, optimal_ordering=leaf_order) if k is None: k = af.two_diff_gap_stat(dist, clustering, max_k) # Calculating adjacency matrix based on hierarchical clustering D = ct.clusters_matrix( returns, codependence=codependence, linkage=linkage, k=k, max_k=max_k, bins_info=bins_info, alpha_tail=alpha_tail, gs_threshold=gs_threshold, leaf_order=leaf_order, ) # Build Adjacency matrix MAdj = pd.DataFrame(D, index=labels, columns=labels) G = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(MAdj) # optimal number of clusters if k is None: k = af.two_diff_gap_stat(dist, clustering, max_k) clustering_inds = hr.fcluster(clustering, k, criterion="maxclust") clusters = {i: [] for i in range(min(clustering_inds), max(clustering_inds) + 1)} for i, v in enumerate(clustering_inds): clusters[v].append(labels[i]) # Build clusters super nodes positions supergraph = nx.cycle_graph(len(clusters)) superpos = nx.spring_layout(supergraph, scale=scale, seed=seed) # Use the "supernode" positions as the center of each node cluster centers = list(superpos.values()) pos = {} for center, key in zip(centers, clusters.keys()): pos.update( nx.spring_layout( nx.subgraph(G, clusters[key]), center=center, scale=subscale, seed=seed ) ) colors = af.color_list(k) label_options = {"ec": "k", "fc": "white", "alpha": 0.7} node_options = { "node_size": node_size, "alpha": node_alpha, } font_options = { "font_size": font_size, "font_color": "k", } # Nodes colored by cluster for key, clr in zip(clusters.keys(), colors): nx.draw_networkx_nodes( G, pos=pos, nodelist=clusters[key], node_color=clr, **node_options ) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=pos, ax=ax, edge_color="grey") if node_labels == True: nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos=pos, ax=ax, bbox=label_options, **font_options) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) for i in {"right", "left", "top", "bottom"}: side = ax.spines[i] side.set_visible(False) if title == "": title = ( "Cluster Network (" + codependence.capitalize() + " & " + linkage + " linkage)" ) ax.set_title(title) try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax
[docs] def plot_clusters_network_allocation( returns, w, custom_cov=None, codependence="pearson", linkage="ward", k=None, max_k=10, bins_info="KN", alpha_tail=0.05, gs_threshold=0.5, leaf_order=True, seed=0, node_labels=True, max_node_size=2000, color_lng="tab:blue", color_sht="tab:red", scale=10, subscale=5, label_v=1.5, label_h=0, font_size=10, title="", height=8, width=10, ax=None, ): r""" Creates a network plot for each cluster obtained from the dendrogram. The size of the nodes and color represents the amount invested and direction (long-short) respectively. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame Assets returns. w : DataFrame of shape (n_assets, 1) Portfolio weights. custom_cov : DataFrame or None, optional Custom covariance matrix, used when codependence parameter has value 'custom_cov'. The default is None. codependence : str, can be {'pearson', 'spearman', 'abs_pearson', 'abs_spearman', 'distance', 'mutual_info', 'tail' or 'custom_cov'} The codependence or similarity matrix used to build the distance metric and clusters. The default is 'pearson'. Possible values are: - 'pearson': pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{pearson}_{i,j})}`. - 'spearman': spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{spearman}_{i,j})}`. - 'kendall': kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{kendall}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber1': Gerber statistic 1 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber1}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber2': Gerber statistic 2 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber2}_{i,j})}`. - 'abs_pearson': absolute value pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_spearman': absolute value spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_kendall': absolute value kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho^{kendall}_{i,j}|)}`. - 'distance': distance correlation matrix. Distance formula :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-\rho^{distance}_{i,j})}`. - 'mutual_info': mutual information matrix. Distance used is variation information matrix. - 'tail': lower tail dependence index matrix. Dissimilarity formula :math:`D_{i,j} = -\log{\lambda_{i,j}}`. - 'custom_cov': use custom correlation matrix based on the custom_cov parameter. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{pearson}_{i,j})}`. linkage : string, optional Linkage method of hierarchical clustering, see `linkage <>`_ for more details. The default is 'ward'. Possible values are: - 'single'. - 'complete'. - 'average'. - 'weighted'. - 'centroid'. - 'median'. - 'ward'. - 'DBHT': Direct Bubble Hierarchical Tree. bins_info: int or str Number of bins used to calculate variation of information. The default value is 'KN'. Possible values are: - 'KN': Knuth's choice method. See more in `knuth_bin_width <>`_. - 'FD': Freedman–Diaconis' choice method. See more in `freedman_bin_width <>`_. - 'SC': Scotts' choice method. See more in `scott_bin_width <>`_. - 'HGR': Hacine-Gharbi and Ravier' choice method. - int: integer value chosen by user. alpha_tail : float, optional Significance level for lower tail dependence index. The default is 0.05. gs_threshold : float, optional Gerber statistic threshold. The default is 0.5. leaf_order : bool, optional Indicates if the cluster are ordered so that the distance between successive leaves is minimal. The default is True. seed : int, optional Seed for networkx spring layout. The default value is 0. node_labels : bool, optional Specify if node lables are visible. The default value is True. max_node_size : float, optional Size of the node with maximum weight in absolute value. The default value is 2000. color_lng : str, optional Color of assets with long positions. The default value is 'tab:blue'. color_sht : str, optional Color of assets with short positions. The default value is 'tab:red'. scale : float, optional Scale of whole graph. The default value is 10. subscale : float, optional Scale of clusters. The default value is 5. label_v : float, optional Vertical distance the label is offset from the center. The default value is 1.5. label_h : float, optional Horizontal distance the label is offset from the center. The default value is 0. font_size : float, optional Font size of node labels. The default value is 12. title : str, optional Title of the chart. The default is "". height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 5. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 12. ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = rp.plot_clusters_network_allocation(returns=Y, w=w1, codependence="pearson", linkage="ward", k=None, max_k=10, ax=None) .. image:: images/Assets_Clusters_Network_Allocation.png """ if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) else: fig = ax.get_figure() labels = np.array(returns.columns.tolist()) # Calculating codependence matrix and distance metric codep, dist = af.codep_dist( returns=returns, custom_cov=custom_cov, codependence=codependence, bins_info=bins_info, alpha_tail=alpha_tail, gs_threshold=gs_threshold, ) # Hierarchical clustering dist = dist.to_numpy() dist = pd.DataFrame(dist, columns=codep.columns, index=codep.index) if linkage == "DBHT": # different choices for D, S give different outputs! D = dist.to_numpy() # dissimilarity matrix if codependence in {"pearson", "spearman", "custom_cov"}: S = (1 - dist**2).to_numpy() else: S = codep.copy().to_numpy() # similarity matrix (_, Rpm, _, _, _, clustering) = db.DBHTs( D, S, leaf_order=leaf_order ) # DBHT clustering else: p_dist = squareform(dist, checks=False) clustering = hr.linkage(p_dist, method=linkage, optimal_ordering=leaf_order) if k is None: k = af.two_diff_gap_stat(dist, clustering, max_k) # Calculating adjacency matrix based on hierarchical clustering D = ct.clusters_matrix( returns, codependence=codependence, linkage=linkage, k=k, max_k=max_k, bins_info=bins_info, alpha_tail=alpha_tail, gs_threshold=gs_threshold, leaf_order=leaf_order, ) # Build Adjacency matrix MAdj = pd.DataFrame(D, index=labels, columns=labels) G = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(MAdj) clustering_inds = hr.fcluster(clustering, k, criterion="maxclust") clusters = {i: [] for i in range(min(clustering_inds), max(clustering_inds) + 1)} for i, v in enumerate(clustering_inds): clusters[v].append(labels[i]) # Build clusters super nodes positions supergraph = nx.cycle_graph(len(clusters)) superpos = nx.spring_layout(supergraph, scale=scale, seed=seed) # Use the "supernode" positions as the center of each node cluster centers = list(superpos.values()) pos = {} for center, key in zip(centers, clusters.keys()): pos.update( nx.spring_layout( nx.subgraph(G, clusters[key]), center=center, scale=subscale, seed=seed ) ) label_options = {"ec": "k", "fc": "white", "alpha": 0.7} font_options = { "font_size": font_size, "font_color": "k", } clusters_1 = set(w.loc[w.iloc[:, 0] > 1e-6].index) clusters_2 = set(w.loc[(w.iloc[:, 0] <= 1e-6) & (w.iloc[:, 0] >= -1e-6)].index) clusters_3 = set(w.loc[w.iloc[:, 0] < -1e-6].index) node_w = np.abs(w) * max_node_size / np.abs(w).sum().item() # Nodes colored by cluster for key in clusters.keys(): nodes_pos = list(clusters_1.intersection(clusters[key])) nodes_0 = list(clusters_2.intersection(clusters[key])) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( G, pos=pos, nodelist=nodes_pos, node_color=color_lng, alpha=0.8, ax=ax, node_size=node_w.loc[nodes_pos], ) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( G, pos=pos, nodelist=nodes_0, node_color="lightgrey", alpha=0.5, ax=ax, node_size=100, ) if len(clusters_3) > 0: nodes_neg = list(clusters_3.intersection(clusters[key])) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( G, pos=pos, nodelist=nodes_neg, node_color=color_sht, alpha=0.6, ax=ax, node_size=node_w.loc[nodes_neg], ) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=pos, ax=ax, edge_color="grey") if node_labels == True: label_w = list(w.loc[np.abs(w.iloc[:, 0]) >= 1e-6].index) labels = {} labels_pos = {} for node in G.nodes(): if node in label_w: labels[node] = node labels_pos[node] = pos[node] + np.array([label_h, label_v]) if node_labels == True: nx.draw_networkx_labels( G, pos=labels_pos, labels=labels, ax=ax, bbox=label_options, **font_options ) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) for i in {"right", "left", "top", "bottom"}: side = ax.spines[i] side.set_visible(False) if title == "": title = ( "Clusters Network Asset Allocation (" + codependence.capitalize() + " & " + linkage + " linkage)" ) ax.set_title(title) try: fig.tight_layout() except: pass return ax