Source code for HCPortfolio

""""""  #

Copyright (c) 2020-2024, Dany Cajas
All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.
License available at

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as hr
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
import riskfolio as rp
import riskfolio.src.RiskFunctions as rk
import riskfolio.src.AuxFunctions as af
import riskfolio.src.ParamsEstimation as pe
import riskfolio.src.DBHT as db
import riskfolio.src.GerberStatistic as gs

__all__ = [

[docs] class HCPortfolio(object): r""" Class that creates a portfolio object with all properties needed to calculate optimal portfolios. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame of shape (n_samples, n_assets), optional Assets returns DataFrame, where n_samples is the number of observations and n_assets is the number of assets. The default is None. alpha : float, optional Significance level of VaR, CVaR, EVaR, RLVaR, DaR, CDaR, EDaR, RLDaR and Tail Gini of losses. The default is 0.05. a_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of losses. The default is 100. beta : float, optional Significance level of CVaR and Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates alpha value. The default is None. b_sim : float, optional Number of CVaRs used to approximate Tail Gini of gains. If None it duplicates a_sim value. The default is None. kappa : float, optional Deformation parameter of RLVaR and RLDaR, must be between 0 and 1. The default is 0.30. solver_rl: str, optional Solver available for CVXPY that supports power cone programming. Used to calculate RLVaR and RLDaR. The default value is None. solvers: list, optional List of solvers available for CVXPY used for the selected NCO method. The default value is ['CLARABEL', 'SCS', 'ECOS']. w_max : pd.Series or float, optional Upper bound constraint for hierarchical risk parity weights :cite:`c-Pfitzinger`. w_min : pd.Series or float, optional Lower bound constraint for hierarchical risk parity weights :cite:`c-Pfitzinger`. """ def __init__( self, returns=None, alpha=0.05, a_sim=100, beta=None, b_sim=None, kappa=0.30, solver_rl="CLARABEL", solvers=["CLARABEL", "SCS", "ECOS"], w_max=None, w_min=None, ): self._returns = returns self.alpha = alpha self.a_sim = a_sim self.beta = beta self.b_sim = b_sim self._kappa = kappa self.solver_rl = solver_rl self.solvers = solvers self.asset_order = None self.clustering = None self.cov = None = None self.kurt = False self.skurt = False self.codep = None self.codep_sorted = None self.w_max = w_max self.w_min = w_min @property def returns(self): if self._returns is not None and isinstance(self._returns, pd.DataFrame): return self._returns else: raise NameError("returns must be a DataFrame") @returns.setter def returns(self, value): if value is not None and isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame): self._returns = value else: raise NameError("returns must be a DataFrame") @property def assetslist(self): if self._returns is not None and isinstance(self._returns, pd.DataFrame): return self._returns.columns.tolist() @property def kappa(self): return self._kappa @kappa.setter def kappa(self, value): a = value if a >= 1: print( "kappa must be between 0 and 1, values higher or equal to 1 are setting to 0.99" ) self._kappa = 0.99 elif a <= 0: print( "kappa must be between 0 and 1, values lower or equal to 0 are setting to 0.01" ) self._kappa = 0.01 else: self._kappa = a # get naive-risk weights def _naive_risk(self, returns, cov, rm="MV", rf=0): assets = returns.columns.tolist() n = len(assets) if rm == "equal": weights = np.ones((n, 1)) * 1 / n else: inv_risk = np.zeros((n, 1)) for i in assets: k = assets.index(i) w = np.zeros((n, 1)) w[k, 0] = 1 w = pd.DataFrame(w, columns=["weights"], index=assets) if rm == "vol": risk = rk.Sharpe_Risk( returns=returns, w=w, cov=cov, rm="MV", rf=rf, alpha=self.alpha, a_sim=self.a_sim, beta=self.beta, b_sim=self.b_sim, kappa=self.kappa, solver=self.solver_rl, ) else: risk = rk.Sharpe_Risk( returns=returns, w=w, cov=cov, rm=rm, rf=rf, alpha=self.alpha, a_sim=self.a_sim, beta=self.beta, b_sim=self.b_sim, kappa=self.kappa, solver=self.solver_rl, ) inv_risk[k, 0] = risk if rm == "MV": inv_risk = 1 / np.power(inv_risk, 2) else: inv_risk = 1 / inv_risk weights = inv_risk * (1 / np.sum(inv_risk)) weights = weights.reshape(-1, 1) return weights # get optimal weights def _opt_w( self, returns, mu, cov, obj="MinRisk", rm="MV", rf=0, l=2, ): if returns.shape[1] == 1: weights = np.array([1]).reshape(-1, 1) else: if obj in {"MinRisk", "Utility", "Sharpe"}: port = rp.Portfolio(returns=returns) if self.kurt: method_kurt = "hist" elif self.skurt: method_kurt = "hist" else: method_kurt = None port.assets_stats( method_mu="hist", method_cov="hist", method_kurt=method_kurt ) if self.solvers is not None: port.solvers = self.solvers if mu is not None: = mu if cov is not None: port.cov = cov weights = port.optimization( model="Classic", rm=rm, obj=obj, rf=rf, l=l, hist=True ).to_numpy() elif obj in {"ERC"}: port = rp.Portfolio(returns=returns) if self.kurt: method_kurt = "hist" elif self.skurt: method_kurt = "hist" else: method_kurt = None port.assets_stats( method_mu="hist", method_cov="hist", method_kurt=method_kurt ) if self.solvers is not None: port.solvers = self.solvers if mu is not None: = mu if cov is not None: port.cov = cov weights = port.rp_optimization( model="Classic", rm=rm, rf=rf, b=None, hist=True ).to_numpy() weights = weights.reshape(-1, 1) return weights # Create hierarchical clustering def _hierarchical_clustering( self, model="HRP", codependence="pearson", linkage="ward", opt_k_method="twodiff", k=None, max_k=10, leaf_order=True, ): # Calculating distance if codependence in { "pearson", "spearman", "kendall", "gerber1", "gerber2", "custom_cov", }: dist = np.sqrt(np.clip((1 - self.codep) / 2, a_min=0.0, a_max=1.0)) elif codependence in {"abs_pearson", "abs_spearman", "abs_kendall", "distance"}: dist = np.sqrt(np.clip((1 - self.codep), a_min=0.0, a_max=1.0)) elif codependence in {"mutual_info"}: dist = af.var_info_matrix(self.returns, self.bins_info).astype(float) elif codependence in {"tail"}: dist = -np.log(self.codep).astype(float) # Hierarchical clustering dist = dist.to_numpy() dist = pd.DataFrame(dist, columns=self.codep.columns, index=self.codep.index) if linkage == "DBHT": # different choices for D, S give different outputs! D = dist.to_numpy() # dissimilarity matrix if codependence in { "pearson", "spearman", "kendall", "gerber1", "gerber2", "custom_cov", }: codep = 1 - dist**2 S = codep.to_numpy() # similarity matrix else: S = self.codep.to_numpy() # similarity matrix (_, _, _, _, _, clustering) = db.DBHTs( D, S, leaf_order=leaf_order ) # DBHT clustering else: p_dist = squareform(dist, checks=False) clustering = hr.linkage(p_dist, method=linkage, optimal_ordering=leaf_order) if model in {"HERC", "HERC2", "NCO"}: # optimal number of clusters if k is None: if opt_k_method == "twodiff": k, _ = af.two_diff_gap_stat(dist, clustering, max_k) elif opt_k_method == "stdsil": k, _ = af.std_silhouette_score(dist, clustering, max_k) else: raise ValueError( "The only opt_k_method available are twodiff and stdsil" ) else: k = None return clustering, k # sort clustered items by distance def _seriation(self, clusters): return hr.leaves_list(clusters) # compute HRP weight allocation through recursive bisection def _recursive_bisection( self, sort_order, rm="MV", rf=0, upper_bound=None, lower_bound=None, ): weights = pd.Series(1.0, index=self.assetslist) # set initial weights to 1 items = [sort_order] while len(items) > 0: # loop while weights is under 100% items = [ i[j:k] for i in items for j, k in ( (0, len(i) // 2), (len(i) // 2, len(i)), ) # get cluster indices if len(i) > 1 ] # allocate weight to left and right cluster for i in range(0, len(items), 2): left_cluster = items[i] right_cluster = items[i + 1] # Left cluster left_cov = self.cov.iloc[left_cluster, left_cluster] left_returns = self.returns.iloc[:, left_cluster] left_weights = self._naive_risk(left_returns, left_cov, rm=rm, rf=rf) if rm == "vol": left_risk = rk.Sharpe_Risk( returns=left_returns, w=left_weights, cov=left_cov, rm="MV", rf=rf, alpha=self.alpha, a_sim=self.a_sim, beta=self.beta, b_sim=self.b_sim, kappa=self.kappa, solver=self.solver_rl, ) else: left_risk = rk.Sharpe_Risk( returns=left_returns, w=left_weights, cov=left_cov, rm=rm, rf=rf, alpha=self.alpha, a_sim=self.a_sim, beta=self.beta, b_sim=self.b_sim, kappa=self.kappa, solver=self.solver_rl, ) if rm == "MV": left_risk = np.power(left_risk, 2) # Right cluster right_cov = self.cov.iloc[right_cluster, right_cluster] right_returns = self.returns.iloc[:, right_cluster] right_weights = self._naive_risk(right_returns, right_cov, rm=rm, rf=rf) if rm == "vol": right_risk = rk.Sharpe_Risk( returns=right_returns, w=right_weights, cov=right_cov, rm="MV", rf=rf, alpha=self.alpha, a_sim=self.a_sim, beta=self.beta, b_sim=self.b_sim, kappa=self.kappa, solver=self.solver_rl, ) else: right_risk = rk.Sharpe_Risk( returns=right_returns, w=right_weights, cov=right_cov, rm=rm, rf=rf, alpha=self.alpha, a_sim=self.a_sim, beta=self.beta, b_sim=self.b_sim, kappa=self.kappa, solver=self.solver_rl, ) if rm == "MV": right_risk = np.power(right_risk, 2) # Allocate weight to clusters alpha_1 = 1 - left_risk / (left_risk + right_risk) weights.iloc[left_cluster] *= alpha_1 # weight 1 weights.iloc[right_cluster] *= 1 - alpha_1 # weight 2 return weights # compute HERC weight allocation through cluster-based bisection def _hierarchical_recursive_bisection( self, Z, rm="MV", rf=0, linkage="ward", model="HERC", upper_bound=None, lower_bound=None, ): # Transform linkage to tree and reverse order root, nodes = hr.to_tree(Z, rd=True) nodes = np.array(nodes) nodes_1 = np.array([i.dist for i in nodes]) idx = np.argsort(nodes_1) nodes = nodes[idx][::-1].tolist() weights = pd.Series(1.0, index=self.assetslist) # Set initial weights to 1 clustering_inds = hr.fcluster(Z, self.k, criterion="maxclust") clusters = { i: [] for i in range(min(clustering_inds), max(clustering_inds) + 1) } for i, v in enumerate(clustering_inds): clusters[v].append(i) # Loop through k clusters for i in nodes[: self.k - 1]: if i.is_leaf() == False: # skip leaf-nodes left = i.get_left().pre_order() # lambda i: # get left cluster right = i.get_right().pre_order() # lambda i: # get right cluster left_set = set(left) right_set = set(right) left_risk = 0 right_risk = 0 left_cluster = [] right_cluster = [] # Allocate weight to clusters if rm == "equal": alpha_1 = 0.5 else: for j in clusters.keys(): if set(clusters[j]).issubset(left_set): # Left cluster left_cov = self.cov.iloc[clusters[j], clusters[j]] left_returns = self.returns.iloc[:, clusters[j]] left_weights = self._naive_risk( left_returns, left_cov, rm=rm, rf=rf ) if rm == "vol": left_risk_ = rk.Sharpe_Risk( returns=left_returns, w=left_weights, cov=left_cov, rm="MV", rf=rf, alpha=self.alpha, a_sim=self.a_sim, beta=self.beta, b_sim=self.b_sim, kappa=self.kappa, solver=self.solver_rl, ) else: left_risk_ = rk.Sharpe_Risk( returns=left_returns, w=left_weights, cov=left_cov, rm=rm, rf=rf, alpha=self.alpha, a_sim=self.a_sim, beta=self.beta, b_sim=self.b_sim, kappa=self.kappa, solver=self.solver_rl, ) if rm == "MV": left_risk_ = np.power(left_risk_, 2) left_risk += left_risk_ left_cluster += clusters[j] elif set(clusters[j]).issubset(right_set): # Right cluster right_cov = self.cov.iloc[clusters[j], clusters[j]] right_returns = self.returns.iloc[:, clusters[j]] right_weights = self._naive_risk( right_returns, right_cov, rm=rm, rf=rf ) if rm == "vol": right_risk_ = rk.Sharpe_Risk( returns=right_returns, w=right_weights, cov=right_cov, rm="MV", rf=rf, alpha=self.alpha, a_sim=self.a_sim, beta=self.beta, b_sim=self.b_sim, kappa=self.kappa, solver=self.solver_rl, ) else: right_risk_ = rk.Sharpe_Risk( returns=right_returns, w=right_weights, cov=right_cov, rm=rm, rf=rf, alpha=self.alpha, a_sim=self.a_sim, beta=self.beta, b_sim=self.b_sim, kappa=self.kappa, solver=self.solver_rl, ) if rm == "MV": right_risk_ = np.power(right_risk_, 2) right_risk += right_risk_ right_cluster += clusters[j] alpha_1 = 1 - left_risk / (left_risk + right_risk) weights.iloc[left] *= alpha_1 # weight 1 weights.iloc[right] *= 1 - alpha_1 # weight 2 # Get constituents of k clusters clustered_assets = pd.Series( hr.cut_tree(Z, n_clusters=self.k).flatten(), index=self.cov.index ) # Multiply within-cluster weight with inter-cluster weight for i in range(self.k): cluster = clustered_assets.loc[clustered_assets == i] cluster_cov = self.cov.loc[cluster.index, cluster.index] cluster_returns = self.returns.loc[:, cluster.index] if model == "HERC": cluster_weights = pd.Series( self._naive_risk( cluster_returns, cluster_cov, rm=rm, rf=rf ).flatten(), index=cluster_cov.index, ) elif model == "HERC2": cluster_weights = pd.Series( self._naive_risk( cluster_returns, cluster_cov, rm="equal", rf=rf ).flatten(), index=cluster_cov.index, ) weights.loc[cluster_weights.index] *= cluster_weights return weights # compute intra-cluster weights def _intra_weights( self, Z, obj="MinRisk", rm="MV", rf=0, l=2, ): # Get constituents of k clusters clustered_assets = pd.Series( hr.cut_tree(Z, n_clusters=self.k).flatten(), index=self.cov.index ) # get covariance matrices for each cluster intra_weights = pd.DataFrame(index=clustered_assets.index) for i in range(self.k): cluster = clustered_assets.loc[clustered_assets == i] if is not None: cluster_mu =[:, cluster.index] else: cluster_mu = None cluster_cov = self.cov.loc[cluster.index, cluster.index] cluster_returns = self.returns.loc[:, cluster.index] weights = self._opt_w( cluster_returns, cluster_mu, cluster_cov, obj=obj, rm=rm, rf=rf, l=l, ) weights = pd.Series( weights.flatten(), index=cluster_cov.index, ) intra_weights[i] = weights intra_weights = intra_weights.fillna(0) return intra_weights def _inter_weights( self, intra_weights, obj="MinRisk", rm="MV", rf=0, l=2, ): # inter-cluster mean vector if is not None: tot_mu = @ intra_weights else: tot_mu = None # inter-cluster covariance matrix tot_cov =, intra_weights)) # inter-cluster returns matrix tot_ret = self.returns @ intra_weights # inter-cluster weights inter_weights = self._opt_w( tot_ret, tot_mu, tot_cov, obj=obj, rm=rm, rf=rf, l=l, ) inter_weights = pd.Series(inter_weights.flatten(), index=intra_weights.columns) # determine the weight on each cluster by multiplying the intra-cluster weight with the inter-cluster weight weights = intra_weights.mul(inter_weights, axis=1).sum(axis=1).sort_index() return weights # Allocate weights
[docs] def optimization( self, model="HRP", codependence="pearson", obj="MinRisk", rm="MV", rf=0, l=2, method_mu="hist", method_cov="hist", custom_mu=None, custom_cov=None, linkage="single", opt_k_method="twodiff", k=None, max_k=10, bins_info="KN", alpha_tail=0.05, gs_threshold=0.5, leaf_order=True, dict_mu={}, dict_cov={}, ): r""" This method calculates the optimal portfolio according to the optimization model selected by the user. Parameters ---------- model : str, optional The hierarchical cluster portfolio model used for optimize the portfolio. The default is 'HRP'. Possible values are: - 'HRP': Hierarchical Risk Parity. - 'HERC': Hierarchical Equal Risk Contribution. - 'HERC2': HERC but splitting weights equally within clusters. - 'NCO': Nested Clustered Optimization. codependence : str, optional The codependence or similarity matrix used to build the distance metric and clusters. The default is 'pearson'. Possible values are: - 'pearson': pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{pearson}_{i,j})}`. - 'spearman': spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{spearman}_{i,j})}`. - 'kendall': kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{kendall}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber1': Gerber statistic 1 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber1}_{i,j})}`. - 'gerber2': Gerber statistic 2 correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{gerber2}_{i,j})}`. - 'abs_pearson': absolute value pearson correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho^{pearson}_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_spearman': absolute value spearman correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho^{spearman}_{i,j}|)}`. - 'abs_kendall': absolute value kendall correlation matrix. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-|\rho^{kendall}_{i,j}|)}`. - 'distance': distance correlation matrix. Distance formula :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{(1-\rho^{distance}_{i,j})}`. - 'mutual_info': mutual information matrix. Distance used is variation information matrix. - 'tail': lower tail dependence index matrix. Dissimilarity formula :math:`D_{i,j} = -\log{\lambda_{i,j}}`. - 'custom_cov': use custom correlation matrix based on the custom_cov parameter. Distance formula: :math:`D_{i,j} = \sqrt{0.5(1-\rho^{pearson}_{i,j})}`. obj : str, optional Objective function used by the NCO model. The default is 'MinRisk'. Possible values are: - 'MinRisk': Minimize the selected risk measure. - 'Utility': Maximize the Utility function :math:`\mu w - l \phi_{i}(w)`. - 'Sharpe': Maximize the risk adjusted return ratio based on the selected risk measure. - 'ERC': Equally risk contribution portfolio of the selected risk measure. rm : str, optional The risk measure used to optimize the portfolio. If model is 'NCO', the risk measures available depends on the objective function. The default is 'MV'. Possible values are: - 'equal': Equally weighted. - 'vol': Standard Deviation. - 'MV': Variance. - 'KT': Square Root Kurtosis. - 'MAD': Mean Absolute Deviation. - 'MSV': Semi Standard Deviation. - 'SKT': Square Root Semi Kurtosis. - 'FLPM': First Lower Partial Moment (Omega Ratio). - 'SLPM': Second Lower Partial Moment (Sortino Ratio). - 'VaR': Value at Risk. - 'CVaR': Conditional Value at Risk. - 'TG': Tail Gini. - 'EVaR': Entropic Value at Risk. - 'RLVaR': Relativistic Value at Risk. - 'WR': Worst Realization (Minimax). - 'RG': Range of returns. - 'CVRG': CVaR range of returns. - 'TGRG': Tail Gini range of returns. - 'MDD': Maximum Drawdown of uncompounded cumulative returns (Calmar Ratio). - 'ADD': Average Drawdown of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'DaR': Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'CDaR': Conditional Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'EDaR': Entropic Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'RLDaR': Relativistic Drawdown at Risk of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'UCI': Ulcer Index of uncompounded cumulative returns. - 'MDD_Rel': Maximum Drawdown of compounded cumulative returns (Calmar Ratio). - 'ADD_Rel': Average Drawdown of compounded cumulative returns. - 'DaR_Rel': Drawdown at Risk of compounded cumulative returns. - 'CDaR_Rel': Conditional Drawdown at Risk of compounded cumulative returns. - 'EDaR_Rel': Entropic Drawdown at Risk of compounded cumulative returns. - 'RLDaR_Rel': Relativistic Drawdown at Risk of compounded cumulative returns. - 'UCI_Rel': Ulcer Index of compounded cumulative returns. rf : float, optional Risk free rate, must be in the same period of assets returns. The default is 0. l : scalar, optional Risk aversion factor of the 'Utility' objective function. The default is 2. method_mu : str, optional The method used to estimate the expected returns vector. The default value is 'hist'. Possible values are: - 'hist': use historical estimator. - 'ewma1': use ewma with adjust=True. For more information see `EWM <>`_. - 'ewma2': use ewma with adjust=False. For more information see `EWM <>`_. - 'JS': James-Stein estimator. For more information see :cite:`c-Meucci2005` and :cite:`c-Feng2016`. - 'BS': Bayes-Stein estimator. For more information see :cite:`c-Jorion1986`. - 'BOP': BOP estimator. For more information see :cite:`c-Bodnar2019`. - 'custom_mu': use custom expected returns vector. method_cov : str, optional The method used to estimate the covariance matrix: The default is 'hist'. Possible values are: - 'hist': use historical estimates. - 'ewma1': use ewma with adjust=True. For more information see `EWM <>`_. - 'ewma2': use ewma with adjust=False. For more information see `EWM <>`_. - 'ledoit': use the Ledoit and Wolf Shrinkage method. - 'oas': use the Oracle Approximation Shrinkage method. - 'shrunk': use the basic Shrunk Covariance method. - 'gl': use the basic Graphical Lasso Covariance method. - 'jlogo': use the j-LoGo Covariance method. For more information see: :cite:`c-jLogo`. - 'fixed': denoise using fixed method. For more information see chapter 2 of :cite:`c-MLforAM`. - 'spectral': denoise using spectral method. For more information see chapter 2 of :cite:`c-MLforAM`. - 'shrink': denoise using shrink method. For more information see chapter 2 of :cite:`c-MLforAM`. - 'gerber1': use the Gerber statistic 1. For more information see: :cite:`c-Gerber2021`. - 'gerber2': use the Gerber statistic 2. For more information see: :cite:`c-Gerber2021`. - 'custom_cov': use custom covariance matrix. custom_mu : DataFrame or None, optional Custom mean vector when NCO objective is 'Utility' or 'Sharpe'. The default is None. custom_cov : DataFrame or None, optional Custom covariance matrix, used when codependence or covariance parameters have value 'custom_cov'. The default is None. linkage : string, optional Linkage method of hierarchical clustering. For more information see `linkage <>`_. The default is 'single'. Possible values are: - 'single'. - 'complete'. - 'average'. - 'weighted'. - 'centroid'. - 'median'. - 'ward'. - 'DBHT': Direct Bubble Hierarchical Tree. opt_k_method : str Method used to calculate the optimum number of clusters. The default is 'twodiff'. Possible values are: - 'twodiff': two difference gap statistic. - 'stdsil': standarized silhouette score. k : int, optional Number of clusters. This value is took instead of the optimal number of clusters calculated with the two difference gap statistic. The default is None. max_k : int, optional Max number of clusters used by the two difference gap statistic to find the optimal number of clusters. The default is 10. bins_info: int or str Number of bins used to calculate variation of information. The default value is 'KN'. Possible values are: - 'KN': Knuth's choice method. See more in `knuth_bin_width <>`_. - 'FD': Freedman–Diaconis' choice method. See more in `freedman_bin_width <>`_. - 'SC': Scotts' choice method. See more in `scott_bin_width <>`_. - 'HGR': Hacine-Gharbi and Ravier' choice method. - int: integer value choice by user. alpha_tail : float, optional Significance level for lower tail dependence index. The default is 0.05. gs_threshold : float, optional Gerber statistic threshold. The default is 0.5. leaf_order : bool, optional Indicates if the cluster are ordered so that the distance between successive leaves is minimal. The default is True. dict_mu : dict Other variables related to the mean vector estimation method. dict_cov : dict Other variables related to the covariance estimation method. Returns ------- w : DataFrame The weights of optimal portfolio. See Also -------- riskfolio.src.ParamsEstimation.mean_vector riskfolio.src.ParamsEstimation.covar_matrix """ # Covariance matrix if method_cov == "custom_cov": if isinstance(custom_cov, pd.DataFrame) == True: if custom_cov.shape[0] != custom_cov.shape[1]: raise NameError("custom_cov must be a square DataFrame") else: self.cov = custom_cov.copy() else: self.cov = pe.covar_matrix(self.returns, method=method_cov, **dict_cov) # Mean vector if method_mu == "custom_mu": if isinstance(custom_mu, pd.Series) == True: = custom_mu.to_frame().T elif isinstance(custom_mu, pd.DataFrame) == True: if custom_mu.shape[0] > 1 and custom_mu.shape[1] == 1: = custom_mu.copy() elif custom_mu.shape[0] == 1 and custom_mu.shape[1] > 1: = custom_mu.copy() else: raise NameError("custom_mu must be a column DataFrame") else: raise NameError("custom_mu must be a column DataFrame or Series") else: = pe.mean_vector(self.returns, method=method_mu, **dict_mu) if rm == "KT": self.kurt, self.skurt = True, False elif rm == "SKT": self.kurt, self.skurt = False, True else: self.kurt, self.skurt = False, False self.codependence = codependence self.linkage = linkage self.opt_k_method = opt_k_method self.k = k self.max_k = max_k self.bins_info = bins_info self.alpha_tail = alpha_tail self.gs_threshold = gs_threshold self.leaf_order = leaf_order # Codependence matrix if self.codependence in {"pearson", "spearman", "kendall"}: self.codep = self.returns.corr(method=self.codependence).astype(float) elif self.codependence == "gerber1": self.codep = gs.gerber_cov_stat1(self.returns, threshold=self.gs_threshold) self.codep = af.cov2corr(self.codep).astype(float) elif self.codependence == "gerber2": self.codep = gs.gerber_cov_stat2(self.returns, threshold=self.gs_threshold) self.codep = af.cov2corr(self.codep).astype(float) elif self.codependence in {"abs_pearson", "abs_spearman", "abs_kendall"}: self.codep = np.abs(self.returns.corr(method=self.codependence[4:])).astype( float ) elif self.codependence in {"distance"}: self.codep = af.dcorr_matrix(self.returns).astype(float) elif self.codependence in {"mutual_info"}: self.codep = af.mutual_info_matrix(self.returns, self.bins_info).astype( float ) elif self.codependence in {"tail"}: self.codep = af.ltdi_matrix(self.returns, alpha=self.alpha_tail).astype( float ) elif self.codependence in {"custom_cov"}: self.codep = af.cov2corr(custom_cov).astype(float) # Step-1: Tree clustering self.clustering, self.k = self._hierarchical_clustering( model, self.codependence, self.linkage, self.opt_k_method, self.k, self.max_k, self.leaf_order, ) if k is not None: self.k = int(k) # Step-2: Seriation (Quasi-Diagnalization) self.sort_order = self._seriation(self.clustering) # asset_order = self.assetslist asset_order = [self.assetslist[i] for i in self.sort_order] self.asset_order = asset_order.copy() self.codep_sorted = self.codep.reindex( index=self.asset_order, columns=self.asset_order ) # Step-2.1: Bound creation if self.w_max is None: upper_bound = pd.Series(1.0, index=self.assetslist) elif isinstance(self.w_max, int) or isinstance(self.w_max, float): upper_bound = pd.Series(self.w_max, index=self.assetslist) upper_bound = np.minimum(1.0, upper_bound).loc[self.assetslist] if upper_bound.sum() < 1: raise NameError("Sum of upper bounds must be higher equal than 1") elif isinstance(self.w_max, pd.Series): upper_bound = np.minimum(1.0, self.w_max).loc[self.assetslist] if upper_bound.sum() < 1.0: raise NameError("Sum of upper bounds must be higher equal than 1") if self.w_min is None: lower_bound = pd.Series(0.0, index=self.assetslist) elif isinstance(self.w_min, int) or isinstance(self.w_min, float): lower_bound = pd.Series(self.w_min, index=self.assetslist) lower_bound = np.maximum(0.0, lower_bound).loc[self.assetslist] elif isinstance(self.w_min, pd.Series): lower_bound = np.maximum(0.0, self.w_min).loc[self.assetslist] if (upper_bound >= lower_bound).all().item() is False: raise NameError("All upper bounds must be higher than lower bounds") # Step-3: Recursive bisection if model == "HRP": # Recursive bisection weights = self._recursive_bisection( self.sort_order, rm=rm, rf=rf, upper_bound=upper_bound, lower_bound=lower_bound, ) elif model in ["HERC", "HERC2"]: # Cluster-based Recursive bisection weights = self._hierarchical_recursive_bisection( self.clustering, rm=rm, rf=rf, linkage=linkage, model=model, upper_bound=upper_bound, lower_bound=lower_bound, ) elif model == "NCO": # Step-3.1: Determine intra-cluster weights intra_weights = self._intra_weights( self.clustering, obj=obj, rm=rm, rf=rf, l=l, ) # Step-3.2: Determine inter-cluster weights and multiply with 􏰁→ intra-cluster weights weights = self._inter_weights(intra_weights, obj=obj, rm=rm, rf=rf, l=l) weights = weights.loc[self.assetslist] # Step-4: Fit weights to constraints if (upper_bound < weights).any().item() or (lower_bound > weights).any().item(): max_iter = 100 j = 0 while ( (upper_bound < weights).any().item() or (lower_bound > weights).any().item() ) and (j < max_iter): weights_original = weights.copy() weights = np.maximum(np.minimum(weights, upper_bound), lower_bound) tickers_mod = weights[ (weights < upper_bound) & (weights > lower_bound) ].index.tolist() weights_add = np.maximum(weights_original - upper_bound, 0).sum() weights_sub = np.minimum(weights_original - lower_bound, 0).sum() delta = weights_add + weights_sub if delta != 0: weights[tickers_mod] += ( delta * weights[tickers_mod] / weights[tickers_mod].sum() ) j += 1 weights = weights.loc[self.assetslist].to_frame() weights.columns = ["weights"] return weights